"Well then, Rose Tyler," He started around the console, pressing buttons and pulling levers with a flourish. "How about a nice evening out in the 50's?"

"That sounds lovely." She smiled at him, and the Doctor steadfastly ignored how that made his hearts speed up just a tiny bit.


"I'm telling you, Rose, I can do it." He looked at her with puppy-dog eyes, a new trait in him that Rose had yet to learn to ignore.

"Fine," She huffed, crossing her arms as she leaned back in the chair. "But do not mention me up there." She pointed a finger at him. "I do not know you, and you do not know me."

"Cross my hearts." He accompanied the words with the gesture as he stood up, smiling like a little child who had just met Santa.

"Go on then." She sighed.

"Thank you." He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before he bounded up to the stage to do his act.

Rose just smiled fondly at his silliness, settling in to listen to him explain the history of the universe entirely in jokes.

"I had forgotten how handsome he was." A soft voice said as she sat down beside Rose.

"Excuse me?" Rose frowned, confused as to who this familiar looking woman was until it finally dawned on her.

"My husband." Marilyn answered, picking up a flute of Champagne from a bypassing waiter. "Though I suppose it doesn't really count."

"Why?" Rose asked, glancing up at the Doctor to see if he had noticed Marilyn yet.

"He ran away before we got to the good part." She winked and Rose laughed good heartedly with her.

"That does sound like him." She wiped at her eyes, careful not to smear her mascara.

"Are you two married?" The blonde asked, taking a small sip of Champagne.

"No." Rose answered with a low voice as she looked over at the Doctor. "We're just friends."

"But you want it to be more." It wasn't a question.

"Is it that obvious?" Rose gave a wry smile at the iconic woman.

"To me, yes." She nodded. "To him..." She tilted her head a bit.

"Yeah," Rose agreed.

"Oh, I think he's finally noticed me." Marilyn said gleefully, changing the topic which Rose was glad for, waving at the flabbergasted Doctor whose eyes shifted between them in horror.


"Are you off to save the world then?" Marilyn asked them as they stood beside the TARDIS.

"How do you know about that?" The Doctor narrowed his eyes at her.

"I have my connections, Husband." She smiled sweetly at him and he groaned inwardly when she stroked his chin on her way over to Rose.

He never would have taken Rose here if he had known Marilyn would be there. It was bad enough that his future with River was up for debate, but for her to actually meet someone he had married, now that was...

Actually, she did seem to take it rather well, he concluded as he watched the two of them talking.

He frowned as he studied the two women, talking and laughing like two friends. Maybe it wasn't so bad...

"... you should come with us."

Or maybe he had spoken, okay thought, too soon.


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