Chapter 51 - Pathetic

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I open my eyes slowly. My head spinning around. i can't see where I am now because my vision become blurred. I shakes my head. It's pain like crazy. Suddenly, I hear the door voice opening. Someone is walking near me. He sit in front of me. He then lift my chin.

"Annyeong, Hyekyo-ah", he said. That voice... Yes, it was my father.

I shake my head once again and my vision becomes normal again. I see him smirk.

"I guess you can't remember anything", he said and standing in front me.

I do remember what's going on here but my head really spinning hard and I can't even stand up. What is this kind of pain?

"Looks like you're having a hard time to stand", he said.

"Well, thanks to your man that gave me the pain."

He laugh.

"I've never told him to hit you. Just said to bring you here."

I try to fight against the pain.

"Since you here, can you tell me where I am and why I was here?"

"Looks like you're back to reality".

"Well, sorry for that if that make you uncomfortable."

He laugh.

"No, why should I?"

He walk to the sofa there and sit. He sign me to sit too.

"You're in my office."

I walk around the office and see the surrounding.

"So, this is your office looks like."

"Right, you've never been in my office before."

"Since someone who would never let me to do that."

He laugh. 

"Okay, okay.. Now, sit down so we can talk more."

I sit as he said.

"So, can you tell me why I was here? I thought our deadline's tonight."

"Well, that's the other things. Now, I want to gave you something", he then walk to the drawer and take out of something inside there.

"Here", he put an envelope on the table in front of me as he sit.

I take the envelope and open to see what contain inside there. It is a piece of paper. As I read what's on the paper, I want to laugh. Seriously....

"I don't even had a thought that you might gave me an agreement since you would never trust that kind of promise."

"Well, I might believe it if it was you", he said while his evil smile.

"Well, I don't".

"Come on. It's not really hard. You can just sign it here and help me get BaekSang. You can get the advantage from this."

"And let you use me?"

I smirk. Since it was me, he do that....

"Come on. Help me get those and I give you whatever you want included BaekSang itself."

I know he just trait me with the BaekSang just want me to help him. He will never let anyone get what he want.

"I can help you."

"That's my daughter."

".....But, with one condition."

"Tell me. I can give you what you want."

I look at the paper. My mind start thinking how I'm gonna bring him down by myself without any help.

"Tell me. Why you wanted me to help you? Why do you think that I can help you get BaekSang? And why.... You  really sure that  I'm gonna help you get that company?"

He smile as I finished talking. Yes, that kind of smile. Like he expected that I'm gonna ask him those question.

"First, because you have Han Jaesil shared in that company. Second, because you have the highest shared in BaekSang. And lastly.... Because you are my daughter", he said with evil smile.

Sure.... I'm his daughter....

"So, since you already agreed with this and get what you want to know, now it's time for us to back to our game," he said while crossing his leg.

"I don't think I really should tell you all of that since you already know. Now, I'm early from our deadline. So, release her."

"That's fast... But, you are missing the point of this game."


"The point of this game. I thought you already know that. But seeing your clueless face... Seems like you don't know yet."

As he said, something popping out of my head.

"The key."

"Great. You are really know how to play. So now, do you know I mean by the key?"

"It's me, isn't it?"

"Right. Now you know what is it so I guess you can stop worrying your friend because I never had a planned to hurt or kill her."

As he said, he went outside and leave me with mixed feeling. I don't know what will happen if I agree to do this but I also don't know what will happen if I don't.

This mixed feeling..... it has been a long time since I had this kind of feeling. I don't know what I should do either agree with him or not. Actually, I don't want to agree with this. I'm just tired from involved in this kind of problem. But, other side of me said I want to do this. He is my father. That kind of love he never gave to me. That feeling that I always craving for.

I smile. Yoojoung was right. Yes, she is.
I'm pathetic. And I know I was back then too but I kept hide it from everyone. My father... yes, he always know what inside of my head and what inside of my heart. He always know and I can't hide it from him. He knew all the time that I'm craving for his love, a father's attention. And he used it to bait me to make me help him. And I'm still can't do anything. I'm still let him used me whenever he wanted. I'm still......a pathetic girl....

And I guess it won't change.....

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