Chapter 49 - Fact

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I'm standing in front the gate. My leg didn't want to go further. I called Geurim Ajumma and told her to bank in some money to my account for my flight to Jejudo. And now, here I am. It's already night and it's raining. Geurim Ajumma's house was dark without lights but the lighting and thunder sound really loud. I knocked the door. A second, the door was open.

"Hyekyo! Why are you so late? Hurry up. Come in. You're already soaking wet."

I come inside the house. The house was gloomy with candle's light. 

"Did the electric source disconnect?", I asked.

"Hm. You see the whole village, right? It's dark. I've already called for help. They will arrive soon. Now, you sit here. I get you some towel", said ajumma and go her room to get towel.

I look around inside the house. With candle's light, I've get to see the surrounding. The wall full with pictures and table full with frame. I'm walking near the wall that full with picture. My eyes attract to the door in front of Geurim ajumma's room. That door. Last time when I visited here with Jooyooung seonsengnim, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, I saw that door was the only one locked when I try to open it back then. Ajumma said it's only her son's room who dead when he was 3 years old and now it's empty. When I was about open the door, suddenly I feel like someone was behind me and I turn around in speed. It's Geurim Ajumma. She smile at me.

"Here. Towel", she said while gave me the towel on her hand. I take it.

"I make you some coffee", she said and walked to the kitchen.

I'm still wandering around the living room. I look at the picture and my eyes stop at one frame on the table. I smirk. 

"Ajumma, actually I came here to ask to something."

"Really? What is it?"

"You're Kim Miyoon's friend, right?"

"Yes. I told you."

"Did you know Kim Miyoon was raised at orphan house when she was 9 years old?"

"I don't know about it. Miyoon didn't told me before."

"Really? I did found about her raised at Haengbok Orphan House. Until she was 9 years old when her father took her in his house. But ajumma, I found something really interesting. Do you remember the evidence that you gave Baekhyun last time? The evidence that can impose President Byun who confiscated BaekSang that known as Hanseul back then. At first after saw that, I thought it's really evidence to impose President Byun. But, when I looked into it again, I start had a thought again either it's really the evidence or something else. Inside there, there was a test result of Kim Miyoon and I found she was a psycho."

I'm still walking around the house while looking at the picture at the wall. I just realize there was so many picture at the wall as before I didn't even realize it.

"Seoul University Hospital. You know what is it?"

"What? Hospital? What about it?", Geurim ajumma said while she's still at the kitchen making coffee.

"Hospital where Kim Miyoon was admitted 26 years ago when she was 17 years old. There I met the doctor who charged for Kim Miyoon. Do Kyungsoo seonsengnim. Do you know him, ajumma?"

"No. I heard that name for the first time."

"Really? Well, looks like you didn't know much about Kim Miyoon yet  you said you're her friend since young."

Ajumma didn't replied me and still making coffee as I continued.

"That doctor said she had mental disease since young and it became worsen when her father abuse her like you said. When she got treatment there, her condition didn't even better but worsen. The hospital finally transfer her to specialist psychiatrist hospital when she  became more serious. But, she ran away from the ward after 4 years when she was 25 years old. You know where she ran to, ajumma?"

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