Chapter 13

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"What?" Albert came closer to him.

"It's nothing." Sara pulled Albert away from Noah.

He sat down and started eating again. In between he looked up at Albert. He ate fast.

"It's ok. Eat slowly. He is going out."

He again stared at Albert.
Albert tried to smile and whispered. "You take your time and eat."

They both moved out while Naoh concentrated on finishing his food.


"I never seen such an ugly creature before". Albert didn't hide his dislike.

"Ugly?" She questioned him. "What makes him ugly in your eyes?" She was surprised with Albert's remark. She never expected such a comment from him.

"Isn't he? What makes him not ugly?" He replied with more questions. He didn't understood why she opposed his view. For him Naoh is only an ugly creature. "Look at his tangled hair and beard and those dreadlocks in them. There must be a lot of bugs and worms living inside his tufted hair. I think he hasn't had a bath in decades."

"No one is created ugly, Albert. God made everyone and everything beautiful. Each creation is distinctive. In God's eyes every creation is perfect and wonderful, because he moulded each and everything by himself and gave a portion of his soul into everything."

He kept silent and she continued to speak gravely.

"But we lack those God's perspective eyes. So what we like, we call it beautiful and what we don't like, they are ugly. We create our own aesthetical scale within ourselves and we judge everything according to it. Look through the perspective of love, everything will turns out beautiful."

He thought it is better to keep silent until she finishes her and listened eagerly.

But she didn't wanted to continue. Once again silence prevailed between them. They felt like they moved apart in just a moment. A wind of disturbance breezed in their hearts.

They walked through the red sand village road. Dust raised behind each footstep. There was just fearful silence around them. Albert felt the dizziness again. Does this place really exist? Or am I dreaming?

Once torn the patch can't be hidden. Why did he say that? What made him say that? It wasn't any crazy man's blabbering. Is he really mad? Was that just a coincidence? Albert could see a lot of resemblance and relevance. A lot of questions wandered inside him like unsettled spirits.

Sara walked fast in front of him. He had to run a bit to keep up with her.

As they got closer to the church, they heard the humming of the first song.

"The mass started." Sara muttered.

He saw an old skeleton of a church in front of him. Half of the building was already ruined. Walls were collapsed and the bricks damaged. There were innumerable cracks on the walls and was green and pale because of the moss and some vines and climbers. The monument was roofless.

He saw a sculpture of a one-winged angel standing outside. Even the single wing was partially broken.

He could see a small cross on the top of the building which was the indication that this is a church. Otherwise it was just a pile of ruins.


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