You had already realized why he as helping Orochimaru the moment he decided to tell you a little about himself. "But what are you doing, shouldn't you stay with your family?" He would be a fool not to spend more time with his family specially after being away for years.

"I'm not much different from you, although we now have a different Kazegage after what happened at two years ago, and I don't want to risk their safety and my freedom." Not so different from you either. "You'll be surprised, the new Kazekage is none other than Gaara."

No way! That's just amazing, he's young and to have accomplished such a goal? That sent you in a shocked state but a sour smile adorned your face. What would Naruto say when he finds out about that? Especially when it is his dream to be a Hokage. Taking a deep breath, you shook those memories out of your head. "So, in other words, you're running away?"

"You could say that so why don't we work together?" He proposed.

Working with someone else? It never crossed your mind, but having him around wouldn't be so bad. You'll have so many similarities and by sticking around you'll increase the chances of surviving. Besides you have no idea what in the world you're doing. "In that case, I accept your proposition." With a smile, you replied. For an instance Goro seemed relieved to hear you say it.

"Good. Now come on, I know a village close to Suna where we can stay." Though those weren't good news.

"Would it be safe? What if Kabuto has people there?"

"It's a small house close to it, but it's not that close. It's half a day away from Suna and it's well hidden. Now come on, give me your hand." He offered his hand, for what reason you're not so sure. You gave him a skeptical look, and yet he did not remove it. A shade of pink adorned his cheeks once he realized what you might be even thinking. "Just give me your hand." Without waiting, he grabbed your hand and once he made a few hand signs, your body seemed to move and yet not move at the same time. If that even made any sense. Your stomach felt strange, and you didn't get to question that feeling only to find out that you had to vomit.

Goro waited patiently, until you straightened up and watched your surroundings. This place looked nothing like the previous place. With widened eyes, you glanced at the male. "What happened?"

"That's my specialty, I'm able to transport myself from certain places. Once I mark them with my chakra, I'm able to return to that place. Though there's a limit to the distance and to the limitations oh how many times I can use it."

"That's how you were able to get there so fast." Without realizing, your mouth spoke what you had been thinking.

"Yes, although I used it already plenty of times, can only get us far enough to save us a half a days' of running. Now let's hurry up." Once again, he offered his hand.

Without any more questions, you kept moving and eventually you both had to continue running from there. After so much strain, you both arrived to the place the Goro was talking about. It was a cave? It looked like a small house but it was hidden inside a cave. That would ensure that others wouldn't find it that easy. "So, this is the place huh?"

Goro nodded as he took the bag from his back and then tossing it to you. "On my way, here, I grabbed some things, hopefully they'll fit you. Get inside, I'll get anything that we may need once I'm done I'll return as soon as possible." With that, he turned around and left.

You were left inside the house, which was dark but with some candles, you could get some light. The place was rather small, and it only had two rooms for resting and a restroom. It was very tiring, and without knowing your body wanted rest so much. How many days has it been since you've had a decent rest? You're too tired to even think, your eyes began to drop as you leaned against the wall waiting for Goro. He must have the key but even so, you wanted to keep your eyes open only to fair miserably. Your eyes closed completely, now your head lowering and succumbing to sleep.

"[Name]." Goro had returned irked that he could not return sooner. There was a certain thing, or to say, a certain someone who he had encountered. At first, he wanted to leave him, but he knows something about this male and although he could not detect any life in him, he couldn't just leave his body for the animals to eat. At first, he thought of burying him, but he didn't want to waste the only energy he had. His body screamed for rest, and if he didn't get any, he would faint at any moment.

You had been sleeping when he got home, and despite not wanting to wake you up, but with your help the body could get a decent burial. He shook you until he noticed you opening you eyes and groaning in the process. You rubbed your eyes, all the while Goro moved back to give you space. "You're back."

"Yeah, I'm sorry I woke you up but I need your help to bury this corpse." Upon the word corps left his lips, your eyes widened and shot around landing on the body.

"What in the hell would you bring him here?" You asked as you stood up.

Goro didn't answer, only watched as you got closer to the corpse and then crouched to inspect it as if you'll know the name. "I just couldn't leave him there." Though he didn't reveal the other information, maybe once done.

Corpse? Your eyes narrowed as you felt something, there's no pulse and the body felt cold already but there's a thread of chakra left in him. Most would consider him dead, but in your case, that was different. "What the hell, he's barely alive!" Or at least he could be, if you— "I'm not going to help him." It was too risky.

Those green irises widened, still alive? So he could still be saved? He has seen many die, and he has even killed but as he looked at the body, he just felt that if something could be done then why not? After all, he knows about this person's story, and just like him, he too would do anything for his sister. So, by leaving him die, it's like he would be killing himself. "We have to help him." Was his resolve, though as he watched your growling face, it's best to get to convince you before it's too late. But what he thought doesn't matter, what mattered the question is, will you help him?

The Missing Pieces(A Naruto Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora