Meeting the Arusadawn family and why Klaus?

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"People are so rude!" I said with a disgrunteled expression on my face.

"Please, you should be in my shoes. Like when Nik daggered me in the 20's and when I woke up, everyone was rude and that was mind boggling. Stefan was especially rude when he was with Nik." She wrinkled her nose. I looked at her thoughtfully.


"You're old." Her eyes widened and she hit me hard on the arm. I just laughed and danced into the first store I saw. She followed me with an annoyed look.

"And you are the most rudest person I had ever seen in my lifetime!" She snapped. I grinned impishly at her.

"But I am also the most gorgeous one you'd seen." She glared at me and stomped into some part of the store that was far away from me.

"Love you Bekah!" I yelled, laughing hard.

"So you are dating the sister." A semi familiar voice said behind me. I whirled around and a huge smile grew on my face.

"Blaze!" I squealed and hugged her tightlt but then remembered what she said and pulled away slightly.

"Dude quit that. I am single and proud of it." I scolded. She smirked.

"Whatever you say Tara. So what are you doing here?"

"Looking for some crap for my new room. Everything in my old room is ruined so more shopping for me. Yay." I said with a bored expression. She laughed.

"Don't sound so thrilled." She said with a smug look. I rolped my eyes and started to look around.

"Why are you at this store? Are you stalking me?" I gasped fakely. She scowled.

"I was here before you were so if anyone is stalking, it's you. And I'm here since new house, new room." She said simply and pulled out a black curtain with red streamers swinging. I grinned at it as she gave it to me.

"You know me so well darling." I drawled and put it in my cart.

"You seem to be the secretly goth type." My eyes widened.

"If I was which I am not but I do like some of their styles, I definitly wouldn't hide it."

"One thing about Tara is that she doesn't hide who she is. She really is a freaky pyschopath. Hello, I'm Rebekah Mikaelson." The said vampire appeared beside me. I jumped slightly and stuck out my tongue at her. She gave me a sarcastic smile and looked at the red head who didn't look all that impressed.

"Blaze Arusadawn. Are you what's his name sister? Cole isn't it?"

"Close, Kol. And sadly yes. You met him?"

"Ah yes. He had silly string in his hair. Who can forget that?" I burst out laughing at the memory. Rebekah raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't even want to know." She sighed but looked closely at Blaze. "Your name is familar though. Arusadawn is an old family name, yes?" Blaze looked at her solemnly but I noticed a hint of suspicion which made me suspicious as well now.

"Actually yes. Why?" Rebekah shrugged good naturely.

"Just curious. Tara, how are you going to pay again?" She faced me. I smiled mischeviously and held up a credit card.

"Courtesy of Klaus himself." Her eyes widened and she stifled her laughter.

"I also have Stefan's, Damon's and I somehow managed to get Tyler's but I don't remember how or when." I said puzzled, as I stared at the proof. Blaze whistled lowly.

"Well you don't have sticky fingers or anything." She said sarcastically. I shrugged.

"They're rich. They won't miss a thing." I said innocently and got engrossed in a wind chime with little stars twinkling down and a half sun/half moon directly in the middle. I put in the buggy without another thought. Blaze snorted and tossed her hair out of her face.

Not a Cullenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن