Back off, I have a boyfriend

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Dear Alex,

Well, there's this guy I know. We've been friends since the Friday that we got out for Christmas break and we've talked every day since then. Thing is, he won't quit flirting with me. I keep telling him that I have a boyfriend and that I don't see him as anything more than a friend. We've talked about it and he said he'd respect my boundaries. But, thing is, he won't and he hasn't. He's always calling me 'babe' and 'baby'. He told me he loved me after only knowing him for a week and a half. I don't look at him like that; I love my boyfriend. I don't understand how you can "love" someone after a week and a half. O.o He gets upset if I don't say "I love you, too" and I refuse to tell him that since I never have and never will love him in that manner. So, question is, how do I get it through his skull that I have a boyfriend and he needs to back off?




Dear TwoIsNotBetterThanOne, 

If I were you, I'd ignore this guy and avoid him. You already told him to back off and he still hasn't and he is being too much because for one he keeps calling you names that shouldn't be said and also saying that he loves you and wants you to say it back. I mean you can try again and talk to him that he really needs to stop or you won't talk to him anymore and if he thinks your bluffing, do what I first said haha


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