Colored string for self esteem and confidence

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Dear Alex,

Thank you so much for my other question! But, I need suggestions to boost self esteem or confidence. I get called names, and stuff, and sometimes I believe it.So, I need like a craft or something to help. Thanks, this means a lot

The Tomboy


Dear The Tomboy, 

Well the first thing to do is not listen to them. Which I know is hard and stuff to do but just don't listen. If they say something negative about you then tell yourself something positive. You have to focus on the positive about yourself and all that good stuff you know? What I was thinking that you could do is wrap a piece of colored string on your wrist or your finger which each color that you put on will signify one of the two categories. With each color you can choose to make it signify your beauty or your inner beauty. Every time someone says something negative or you feel like your not at your best, you look at that piece of string and it will remind you that there words and what you believe isn't true. Now if you don't understand this.. I'll give an example... lets say I feel ugly and other people think I am too. I take a red string and put it around my waist and I let it signify that I am beautiful. So someone comes up and says "Ew" I'll look at the string and brush it off and remind myself it's only words, I am beautiful. And so like a string of hope it's a string to boost your self esteem and confidence. c: 


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