Delete or keep my youtube account?

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Hey :) So I came across your advice collumn randomly when I was reading one of your poems, and I've had a dilemma for a while now. Basically, I started on Youtube about 6 months ago, and my video's have only recently started gaining popularity. One of my friends found it and is now constantly saying how stupid they are. But Youtube is what I want to do, and I'm scared that if more people find out I'll get bullied. Should I ignore them, or stop Youtube for the sake of not being embrassed? Its been driving me mad because my video's are like about beauty, yet I want people to take me seriously. Do you think I should quit, or do you have any advice that could help me :) 

Thankyou :) 



Dear ItsTimeToFaceIt, 

Ah, well I think you should keep doing it if it's what you want to do. Don't listen to other people who give you hate. Listen to the tips and stuff but if all they are going to say is that they are stupid or something then don't listen. I've had several youtube accounts but my first one was the one that had a lot of views and let me just say there will be people that will hate and others that will love. Haters going to hate after all haha So yeah I think you should keep it and roll with it more. Practice makes perfect and beauty gurus know that c: 


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