His bro doesn't like me and moving away O:

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Hey this is for your ask Alice thing. Hey Alice. So there's this guy. And we really like each other. We play violin together and things are really good relationship wise. But there are some problems like 1) his older brother really does not like me. Like at all. And 2) I'm moving and I haven't told him yet. I'm moving five hours away. I know I should tell him but I know it will break his heart. and by god i will brake my own heart just telling him. We really like each other we flirt all the time. But I'm constantly getting glares from his brother and my heart is slowly breaking and I do not know what to do. I want to remain in contact with him after I move but I don't know how to. I know this message was jumping all over the place but I hope you understand my points. Just please help me . ~hopelessly in love 


Dear hopelessly in love, 

it's actually ask alex o.o lol 

1) why doesn't he like you? Could you maybe do something to make him like you better? If not, not everyone is going to like you. 

2) You should tell him. It's not going to be good if you tell him on the day or close to the day that you are leaving. Maybe, if possible, you can go visit him or he could go visit you. Try say once a month.. and staying in contact is kinda easy when you have all these social networks and devices. I'm sure you guys can work something out.. and if not, then you could always send a message the old fashion way... send letters to each other cx 

ps. Have a happy New Year ^.^


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