Kinda jealous of him liking another girl

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Dear Alex, soo if you look at my other questions, you'll see that my best friends little brother liked me. I just turned 16 & I'm 18 yrs old. Anyways, I wouldn't call him a player..but he's more like a flirt. He flirts with every girl he talks to and dates most of them (he doesn't have sex though).. So since he was 11, he liked me and ALWAYS flirted with me non-stop lol. Well I'm dating his older brother now, but last month he asked me if I was older would I date him? Because he's a little too young for me to date right now and I don't know, I'm just not interested in him. And I told him yeah, if he was older I would date him and kissed his cheek, which made him smile and blush. (Awww, the bad boy blushes ik) so, he moved on from me and he likes this another girl who is in his English class. He doesn't flirt with me anymore, and he acts normal around me. Idk why, but I'm sort of jealous. What should I do? -loveyourbeauty


Dear loveyourbeauty, 

Well I think you just miss the attention you got from him more than anything.. these feelings will subside. Just focus on your boyfriend and you and your relationship and stuff. 


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