"Doctor?" Rose said sweetly, stopping his tirade. Perhaps too sweetly now when he thought about it.

"Yes?" He asked warily.

"Do you have the pill with you?" She was still smiling innocently at him, but he could see the hint of something else behind it.

"Ehm... no." He said sheepishly, wriggling his hands.

"Then can you please CAN it?" She shouted the last two words.

"Oi, no need to shout." He huffed.

"Do you still wear your glasses with you?" She sighed, covering her eyes with one hand.

"Glasses?" Amy piped in. "You wear glasses?" She smirked.

"Wore glasses, Amy." He corrected with an eye roll. "Past tense, and yes, I think they're here somewhere." He started digging through his pockets until his fingers brushed a familiar pair of black-rimmed spectacles.

"Can you shade them?" Rose asked, still holding her hand over her eyes.

"Shouldn't be a problem, I have done it before." He held them in front of his screwdriver, turning the transparent glasses dark. "That should do it." He walked over to her and held the glasses in front of her.

"Thanks." She took them from him and immediately put them on with a contempt sigh. "Much better."

The door banged open before the Doctor had a chance to respond, the man with the burly bears stepping in first.

"You said you picked up on our distress signal." He directed the question at the Doctor.

"We did." He nodded, instantly on alert and moving so he stood in front of Rose and the others.

"We made no signal." The pirate responded.

"Our sensors picked you up." He frowned. "Ship in distress." He glanced at the others for confirmation, but Amy just shrugged and Rory wasn't listening, instead he was crouching down beside Rose and yet again talking in hushed tones. He probably should ask them about that later.

"Sensors?" The pirate frowned to.

"Yes. Ok. Problem word. Seventeenth century." He clapped his hands together. "My ship automatically, er... noticed-ish... that your ship was having some bother."

"That big blue crate!?" He questioned. So they had found the TARDIS. They better not have done something to her.

He snapped his fingers in confirmation, not missing the eye roll Amy was giving him.

"Tis more magic, Captain Avery. They're spirits." One of the pirates said. "How else would they have found their way below decks?"

"Well," He dragged the word out like he so often had done in his past body, noticing Rose glancing at him at the corner of his eye. "I want to say multidimensional engineering, but since you had a problem with sensors I won't go there. Look," He waved a hand at the others. "I'm the Doctor; this is Amy, Rory, and Rose. We're pirates, same as you. Arghhhh!"

He turned to look at Amy, Rory, and Rose, only to be met with three disapproving looks. Or at least he thought it was three since he couldn't very well see Rose's eyes under her shades. Disappointed, he turned around and was face-to-face with the gun again.

"Except for the gun thing." He swallowed. "And the beardedness."

"Pirates?" The superstitious one laughed. "Wearing that?" He pointed at the Doctor.

"We came from a party, okay." He tweaked his bowtie with a huff. "Didn't have time to change."

"You're stowaways!" Captain Avery exclaimed. "Only explanation. Eight days, we've been stranded here. Becalmed. You must have stowed away before we sailed."

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