Can you feel the love tonight

Start from the beginning

"Bowties are cool." He waggled his eyebrows, making her laugh out loud.

"Yeah," She nodded, never taking her eyes off of him. "They are."

"Oi, you two!" The Doctor closed his eyes in annoyance, recognising the voice without having to turn around. Rose however, had clear view of Amy standing on the landing and had to force herself to keep a neutral expression and to not show her anger at being disrupted. "Why are you dressed for a party?" She walked down the stairs as the Doctor turned around, releasing her hand in the process which made Rose almost groan with disappointment.

"Me and Rose are going to a cocktail party and you are not invited." He started pushing a few buttons on the console, taking them out of the vortex.

"Rude." Rose coughed behind his back and he looked over his shoulder at her and gave her a cheeky grin.

"You were just going to leave without telling us?" Amy crossed her arms over her chest, levelling the Doctor with her sternest glare.

"Well," He scratched his cheek before resuming his work on the console. "You were asleep."

"We were not." Amy exclaimed.

"No?" The Doctor looked between her and Amy with a confused expression.

"We were watching a movie in the media room." She sounded exasperated.

"Same difference." The Doctor shrugged it off and moved to the other side of the console.

"It is not! It's..." She trailed off, closing her eyes as she rubbed at her forehead. "Never mind." She sighed. "It's like talking to a child." She muttered as she turned around to walk back up the stairs.

"Since he won't say it," Rose decided to speak up. "I'm sorry."

"I know." Amy stopped and looked down at her. "I have spent months trying to teach him some manners but it just won't stick."

"Try two years and three different versions of him." Rose grinned up at her. "It's a lost cause."

"Oi, I can hear you." The Doctor poked his head out from around the console.

"We know!" They said in chorus and then burst out laughing.

"Good night, Rose." Amy waved at her as she shook her head with a grin. "Have fun."

"You too, Amy." Rose waved back and then sent a look to the Doctor, indicating with her head towards Amy.

"Yeah, ehm," He cleared his throat, not taking his eyes of the console. "Good night, Amy."

"Yeah," Amy shook her head as she disappeared down the corridor. Rose sighed as the Doctor pulled one last lever, landing the TARDIS with a soft thud.

"What?" He looked at her with a frown.

"Nothing." She shook her head and held out her hand towards him, wiggling her fingers. He took it without hesitation, even though he still frowned at her. "Come on," She tugged him towards the door. "We don't wanna be late for the opening performance."

"Yes," He dragged the word out before snapping out of his thoughts. He bounced down the remaining distance to the door, snapping his fingers so the doors could open with a flourish.

He lead her out into a beautiful garden filled with multicoloured lights in the trees, and white delicate tables and chairs positioned along the hedge that surrounded them, leaving the middle section open for dancing.

At the very end of the large garden was a stage, currently occupied by a slow playing jazz band. At the opposite end, a bar had been mounted, the bartender preparing cocktail after cocktail to the awaiting guests.

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