Chapter Four

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Beep, beep, beep.

"Stopppp," I groaned and rolled over in my bed, pulling the covers up to cover my face. The polka dot blanket was wrapped snug around my body. I was warm and not looking forward to getting out of bed.

"Lily time to wake up!" I heard my mother yell as she slammed the back door behind her. It was our morning routine; when she left, I woke.

But today...

Today was Monday.

"Urgh," I whined again. It was still dark out and I rolled off of my bed, bringing the covers down with me when I fell onto the plush carpet. My toes, however, peeked out under the quilt, making me cold and woke me. 

I unwound from the mess of sheets, grabbing my cell phone from my bedside table. 

'Good morning, beautiful.' was a text from Luke.

Smiling, I texted him back before getting up off the floor and trudging out of my room, hall, and down the stairs. I realized the beeping was an omelet she had made me that was reheated in the microwave. "Thanks," I mumbled to no one.

I made myself a chai tea, ate, and stalked back to my room to throw on an outfit. Just on time, Luke pulled up and knocked on the door. I gave him a small smile when I opened it, offering him a mug of coffee as I grabbed a light sweater and my bag.

His eyes seemed to scan my body, as if checking if what I had chosen to wear was appropriate. I'm guessing it was because he nodded to himself silently.

Once out the door, he opened up the passenger door for me. I smiled sweetly at him, climbing in and righting my clothes. "How are you this morning?" I asked as he hopped in.

"Wonderful, now that I've seen you," he smiled back at me. Biting my lip, I shook my head slightly, as much as his over protectiveness was annoying, being loved by someone was a great feeling.

Once we got to school, Luke left to get to his locker as I did mine. While shoving my books in slowly, Wes approached me with a scowl on his face. His hair was wet, like he'd just showered, his jeans wrinkled and leather jacket tattered. 

"You think you can just run away from me like that and everything would be just dandy?" he sneered at me. 

I looked at him stupidly, "I didn't run away from you, Wes, I was avoiding you," I corrected in a snooty tone.

As I began to walk off he grabbed the edge of my sweater, pulling me back. 

"Get your hands off of my girlfriend," I heard a familiar voice hiss from behind.

Luke's eyes narrowed as he watched Wes's hold on my arm, pushing him against the row of lockers so he would have to release me. I moved closer to Luke, "Luke stop," I ordered softly.

He didn't move.

"Please Luke...seriously just come on....we're causing a scene," I whispered in his ear. He finally let go relentlessly asking what had been going on.

"I'm getting out of here," Wes waved slightly. 

"No," I said to him, putting my hand on my hip. "That stunt you pulled yesterday? You deserved what I gave you. Be happy that worse didn't happen."

Luke moved in front of me, looking between the two of us, "What happened yesterday?"

"Nothing." We both said in unison, looking guilty.

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