Blurr x Shy!Bullied!Reader (Part 1)

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A/n: requested by @sunstorm33 . I'm hoping this will work out well and that you guys will like it. Also, I'm going to be using things that I have said/done, because I have been bullied before, so this will hopefully make things interesting. Theres gonna be a sad scene beween the reader and Blurr, so be ready! LET'S DO THIS GUYS ~(>○<)~
Y/n: your name
E/c: eye color
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length


(part 1): Shoot me down

You walked the halls of your high school, head down. You passed by groups of people, whom some you'd recognize from your classes, and they'd cast you small smiles or harsh glares that'd sear themselves into your skin, making it burn with their unknown hatred towards you. You really didn't know why some of them would pick on you. You were a sweet person, who cared a lot, but was too shy to say anything. And sometimes you'd say things out of sheer nervousness.

You thought about how this day was going to play out. Well: teasing, being pushed around by people who have nothing better to do, lunch behind the school building, going home with new bruises, trying to explain it was an accident to whom ever asked about them, then homework. You also had trouble sleeping because of constant anxiety, so that added more to your list. As you rounded the corner to your first class of the day, you accidentally bumped into someone with a pained noise before you panicked inside your own mind. "A-ah! I'm terribly sorry! I-I didn't mean it!" Your face grew hot with embarrassment. The person snorted, amused, before speaking. "As you should be (y/n). I swear, I might have to bleach my clothes just to get rid of your filth off my new jacket." A gruff male's voice grunted before you were shoved into the lockers next to you, your shoulder connecting with the pointed corner of one of them, causing a sharp burning sensation to shoot through out your arm. You hissed in pain.

Upon looking up to briefly, and formally apologize to the psrson, you were met with dull and harsh dark brown eyes. Kemaine. He's been giving you trouble since you met in elementary. Only now it's worse. His messy black hair shaded parts of his face, his chapped lips curled up into a cruel smirk, that you wish you could just wipe off of his ugly face, but too bad that your constant shyness got the best of you. You just glared. "Aw, that's no way to apologize to someone, you know." You huffed and quickly apologized, again, to the rude boy before trying to rush around him to avoid further delays, although the Bell hasn't rung yet.

All of a sudden, a large hand grabbed you firmly by the arm and roughly pushed you against the wall. "Leaving so soon, (l/n)? We've barely gotten the chance to talk to eachother." He sounded pained, though you knew he just wanted to torment you even further. "I said I was sorry, didn't I?" This surge of energy came from nowhere, but you liked it. You were tired of being pushed around by people like him. "I have somewhere to be, things to do. I have a future to attend to." You tried to slide around him and continue on your way but a sharp pain exploded on your cheek, halting your movements. Where were the teachers when you needed them most? You had no idea, but that's how it was every day right? No one to bear witness to your unfortunate events, no one to protect you. No one to care.

Kemaine growled, displeased with your actions. "Who the fuck told you, you could just do that to me, huh?" He shoved you against the wall once more, but harder. Your (e/c) eyes glossing over with tears. You had no idea why life treated you so poorly. The bruises you've received the day before from a group of girls Kemaine was associated with, still hurt just as bad as they did right now as he repeatedly shoved you into the wall. You didn't have any friends, except for Sari and the other bots. They couldn't save you though, they can't do anything about this. Not even your closest friend of the bots, Blurr. The speedster was quick to defend you from other worldly attacks and enjoyed being by your side, at least you liked to believe. Too bad you couldn't tell him about your situation at school. Even though you were too shy to speak much to any of them, Blurr didn't seem to mind, he enjoyed your little talks from time to time when you were up to it.

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