Wheeljack X Reader: Surprises

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E/c: eye color
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length
F/c: favorite color
Y/f/d/s: your favorite dancing song

You were walking around base, not looking for anyone or anything in particular. Well, maybe you were, but that wasnt important... Right? Upon entering the medbay, your eyes were greeted with Ratchet with an annoyed look on his faceplates and a scratched up Wheeljack on the medical berth. You rolled your eyes, 'not again' you groaned internally as you eyed the banged up mech, flinching and complaining. You quickly fixed your (h/l) (h/c) hair into what you thought was most presentable, and walked towards the two mechs.

"Watch it doc, im sensitive." Wheeljack just grinned and you shook your head again. "Hey guys," you made your presence known to them, "Whats the damage this time?" You asked as Ratchet knelt down and offered his servo to you. "Nothing heavy, just small dents and scratches." Ratchet grumbled, lifting you from the ground. You had quite the connection with these two, but you were even closer to Wheeljack than you would like to admit. But, of course, Ratchet knows of your little secret infatuation with the mostly white mech.

"Wheeljack, you need to be more careful." You stated with a half hearted glare, crossing your arms across your chest, cocking your hip to the side. Wheeljack thought it was the sexiest thing. You were always worried for the reckless swordsmech, he knew, and boy did he want you. "Sure thing, princess." He winked at you. Your face lit up, brighter than the led lights in your room. He had a nickname for you, though you secretly liked it, you pretended to hate it.

"Whatever." You turned to face Ratchet who was hiding his smug grin behind his free servo, coughing for a breif moment. "You should busy yourself a while, (y/n)." He set you down and you walked off with a small wave. You heard a small clank, followed by a pained groan. You chuckled to yourself as you headed to the room they kept for you on the base.  You liked to dance, though none of them, including Ratchet, didnt know. They just thought it was just a place for you to mess around. Whatever humans did.

《Sorry if you dont dance, but meanwhile~》

"Is it ready yet Ratch?" Wheeljack asked impatiently, constantly peering over his shoulder from time to time, only to be shooed away. "Quit being so impatient, its almost done." The orange-red and white mech grumbled at Wheeljack's sparkling-like behaivior. A few minutes had passed before he asked again. "How 'bout now?" The mostly white mech groaned impatiently.  He wanted to be with you, and boy was he really trying. Ratchet had never seen him more determined. It made him happy yet irritated at the same time.

Ratchet rolled his neck and shoulder joints to ease the building pressure. "Its done-" wheeljack was quick to lie on the medical berth, impatient as ever, looking at the medical officer with a hurried expression. "However, you will keep this a secret till i see fit to consult Optimus. You will be, what humans call, a guinneapig." Ratchet huffed, inserting a chord into the side of Wheeljack's helm, transfering the desired code for this to work as planned. Months of hard work, put to the ultimate test.

Ratchet was typing away on a datapad, making sure the flow of the data went in smoothly and fit just right along side with the other lines of code. Wheeljack just stared up at the ceiling of the base, trying his hardest to be still and patient with the process. A soft ping from the datapad in Ratchet's servos made Wheeljack giddy, eager to show you what he's been hiding for so many months you've been together as his assigned human charge.

Ratchet did a quick scan before Wheeljack was even able to remove the chord from his helm and run into the base to find you. "Remember, Wheeljack, take your time to get used to the functions. Comm me if theres any problems." He scolded. "Sure thing doc," he nodded, narrowly dodging the wrench that was flung at his helm as he took off into the hallway that led him into the base.

Loud music could be heard from the room you hid yourself away in. Wheeljack grew familiar with your music tastes and even liked it to an extent, he'd listen to it when you weren't around to keep him company on long drives. He loved seeing you so happy in the passinger seat of his altmode, smiling, your hair tousled by the wind because he drove so fast on open roads, often giggling to yourself.

He knocked before entering, but you didnt answer. Shrugging, he entered anyway. The sound of (y/f/d/s) filled his audios, but the sight before him made his throat go dry and his spark race. You were by your favorite large speakers he had found and fixed it up, with your help of course, swaying your hips, moving to the beat of the music. You dipped a few times, swirling your hips in a circular motion. He was slowly losing all of his controll. He cleared his throat loud enough to make you jump in surprise. "W-Wheeljack!" Your face went bright red as you immediately stopped your movements to look at the entranced mech. "What are you doing here? N-not that i mind of course." He shook his helm, looking for his voice as you turned your music down low. "I wanna show you somethin' (y/n)." He cast a half smile down at your flushed apperance.

You smiled at the fact he wanted to share things with you. Just what was it this time? He transformed into his altmode. You were confused until the drivers side door opened. A man of mild build, not too much, but not too little. His hair that was grey was styled in a 90's sort of way, while the black parts of his hair stuck out in a crazy yet tamed way. It kind of reminded you of Hanzo's hair from Overwatch, a game you liked to play. His skin was slightly tanned and you bet he had scars underneath that white, green, and red jacket he was wearing. That thought made you blush as you eyed him. He shut the door, walking towards you with a grin on his lips. He stood close enough to you, you could smell his scent.

"Like what you see princess?" He chuckled, his aqua blue eyes held contact with your (e/c) ones. You grinned, you had an idea. You placed your hands on his shoulders, gently tugging him down to your level, your lips grazing his ear. "Why yes, i do~" you purred. You yelped in surprise as he suddenly gripped your hips, pulling you flush against him. He nipped at your neck, slowly moving towards your eager lips. He captured your lips in a heated kiss, his thumbs rubbing circles into your hips. You mewl against his lips, pulling away for a moment. "I love you Wheeljack," You pecked him on the lips again before taking his hands in yours, "but lets wait a lil' bit before we do that, hm?" you giggled as his face flushed red. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want princess."

《Small time skip》

you lay, curled into Wheeljack's side, warm under your shared blanket. He shifted to face you, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you close to him. He gently rubbed your back as he placed a soft kiss in your forehead. "Love you." He mumbled, lips still pressed against your forehead. You wrapped an arm and a leg around him, to get comfy, the soft fabric of his pyjama pants rubbed against your bare leg. "Love you too." You smiled. Your door creaked only to reveal small pads of feet, coming to your bed. "Mommy, daddy?" A small voice called. "Yes sweety?" You answered, untangling yourself from him to see your son, his eyes bright like his fathers. "I had a bad dream.." his small voice trailed away as you picked him up and placed him between you and Wheeljack.

You kissed his forehead as he layed down, wheeljack kissing the side of his head. "Dont worry lil' man, we got ya'." You smiled at the both of them. The three of you got comfy in bed. You and your son fell asleep in Wheeljack's reassuring and protective hold. "What did i do to deserve the two of you?" He smiled and shook his head and joined his two rays of sunshine in sleep.


A/n: AWWW SO CUUTEE! Hope you guys liked this rushed little fic ❤

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