Megatron x Autobot!Cybertronian! Reader

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(A/n): probs gonna be a long one. Who knows (๑• . •๑)?
(F/c) - Favorite color
(Y/d) - you designation (name)

☆Megatron p.o.v☆

I walked the halls of the Nemesis, the dull glowing purple lights made me look more intimidating and of larger build. My optics scanned my surroundings as i was headed toward the main brig. I passed a small patrolling group of vehicons. They acknowledged me with a proper soldier's salute and a statement of "Lord Megatron." I grinned, my shark-like dentae peeking through my lip plates. I held my arms behind my back. I nodded my helm to dismiss them to continue on with their duties.

Walking into the main brig, i was met with a sight of vehicons working on computers and reading various datapads. Soundwave stood silently working as always, decoding cordinates for relics scattered about the earth. I walked towards the silent mech, eyeing his work. He stopped his work only to acknowledge my presence with a nod of his helm, waiting for any orders or questions I had for him.

"Any further progress with the relic coordinates Soundwave?" I raised an optic ridge in question. He bowed his helm slightly and pressed a few keys with his slender digits. It wasnt long till four relic coordinates, highlighted white, popped onto the large screen. I smirked, and praised him right as Starscream walked in, wings high in irritation and stress. I glared at the slender seeker.

"My Lord, i have come to report that the autobots have already set out to retrieve a relic," he stood proud, clawed servo across his chassis in mock respect. I grew irritated rather quickly with Starscream and his antics. "No doubt because of sombody's imperiously slow decoding skills.." he glared at the back of the unphased mech beside me. I growled, my displeasure obvious. "Make yourself useful for once Starscream and round up the troops," i strode past him as he half bowed, "we are to retrieve those relics before Optimus does." I also silently wished to see my dear (y/d)... i am guilty for causing her the pain she does not deserve. I grew angry with my recklessness around the femme. I shook my helm, 'Now is not the time for that Megatron.' I chided myself as i made my leave.

【mean while】

☆2nd person☆

you were excited, to say the least. This was the first relic retriving Optimus let you on since your injury, caused by a highly jealous decepticon war lord. It was no doubt Megatron was highly infatuated by you, and you couldnt help but return the feelings. You admired his determination, but what he was planning, it was against all you believed in. Regardless, you still liked the intense mech. Hopefully the rest of the team doesnt find out. Youd be fragged.

All thoughts aside, you were more focused on getting that relic before the decepticons could. Ratchet had set the ground bridge to a secluded wooded area. You, Wheeljack, Optimus, and Ultra Magnus strode through the wooded area, the sun's rays reflecting of your well kept (f/c) armor. You smiled at the feeling of the sun warming your frame.

Your small group soon came up to a cavern in the side of a small sized mountain. Being the most observant of the group, you saw fresh tire tracks that led into the deep, looming cave. "Uh, hey Optimus, i think the decepticons already beat us to it." You pointed over your shoulder as you faced the mechs following you. He nodded and slid his battle mask in place, "Right, you may be (y/d), but we will not let megatron get any of these relics in his servos." He seemed to growl as he started forward, the rest of you following.

Once inside, there were multiple pathways. Optimus instructed for each of you to take one and alert the rest of the team if you find the relic or any decepticons. You nodded your helm and took the one on the far right wall. You adjusted your optics to the darkness of the cave, transforming your servo into a double bareled blaster.

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