Soundwave X Reader

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Y/n: your name
F/n: full name
E/c: eye color
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length
(The works (σ・ω・)σ )

It was unexpected, to say the least. Meeting a giant robot from another planet and getting kidnapped by said robot. It made you irritated by the fact that it called you "pet", instead of your name. That giant robot proclaimed to be called "Starscream". You honestly couldnt tell if they were a boy or a girl, so just to piss them off, you just went with she. Just to get up to current speed, you actually were now being held against your will by the feminine looking bot, in front of their leader: Megatron. Amusement glowed brightly in his optics as you squirmed and swore at 'her'. Next to Megatron was his most loyal subject, Soundwave. The purple mech intrigued you the most. He was completely silent. But why?

"Starscream, remind me why you picked up this fleshie?" Megatron raised a thick optic ridge. You had to stop yourself from laughing because of how ridiculous he looked. Starscream was about to explain before he continued, Soundwave watching him as he held you in a clawed servo for a moment before focusing on the other two the main brig. "But of course, youre a lousey mech who cant do anything right without blaming anyone else for your fault in each task I give you." You stilled your struggling to think for a moment. 'Mech...Mech as in Man? Holy shit!' "Wait a minute here," you spoke loud enough to catch the three mech's attention. "Youre telling me this steleto heeled freak is a guy?"

You waved your arms with emphisis, "i thought he was a girl!"Megatron's blood red optics met your (e/c) ones. He grinned, showing off his shark-like teeth before chuckling. Soundwave seemed to stare at you, but you couldnt tell with the visor covering his face plate. Starscream growled in annoyance and lifted you to optic level. 'Holy shit, im gonna die.' You thought as he snarled his displeasure with you. "Quiet, pet, or things will get nasty for you.' He grinned as you swallowed visibly. But you couldnt let that go. Oh no, you wanted to retaliate. "Fuck off screamer, and take your heels with you." You glared harshly at your captor.

Fed up with your attitude, he tossed you up with an 'oops!' Watching as you fell towards the ground screaming. But before you could even touch the floor, a vivid purple, snake-like tentacle grabbed you by the waist, lifting you gracefully to meet the dark visor of Soundwave. You were shaking. A displeasured snarl resounded from Starscream. Megatron restrained himself from beating the shit out of the seeker, but gave him an order to stay after your and Soundwave's dismissal from the main brig. You stuck your tongue out at him, still in Soundwave's grasp.

You knew Starscream will always find a way to get rid of you, but you werent scared, even when you should be. Soundwave walked to his personal workspace. You looked absolutely childish swinging your legs and leaning over the side of the tentacle that held you just so you could dangle your arms. Who could blame you? You just had to keep yourself busy. Acheiving your goal, you had no idea Soundwave was watching you the whole time.

He typed in the code and the doors opened with a hiss. Walking in, he placed you down on the side of the large console. You adjusted your clothes and looked around the room. Reaching in your pocket, you pulled out something to put your hair up with(sorry if you dont have long hair). You reached back to pull your (h/l) (h/c) hair into a acceptional up-do. It was dark, save for the dull glow of the large screen. You walked over to Soundwave as he was silently tapping away on the keyboard. You couldnt understand anything since it was all in cybertronian. Climbing onto the glowing console, you walked cautiously to the working mech. His visor reflected the contents of the screen above. You wanted to call out to him, but he just seemed too busy. You wanted attention though. So you were going to get it.

Being the person you were, you just stood between his thin servos as he typed. A slim purple didgit brushed against you, urging you gently to step off of the console where he was working. You folded your arms over your chest, and stared into the blank visor he sported. Gracefully, he picked you up and set you on his shoulder. You gently gripped the side of his helm to steady yourself as he then continued to work. Liking the feeling of being closer to the mech you were so interested in, you decided to relax.

From then on, you often hung out with him, but you didnt get why he was so gentle with you. You didnt mind, but you just wondered. All the other mechs on the ship were rough, to a certain degree, with you, but they never meant any harm by it. Though Starscream always tried extra hard, often resulting in Soundwave walking in to check on the infuriating seeker, saving you from his deadly intents.

It had been months on the Nemisis and youve grown to like your new life as a 'pet', meaning you stuck to Soundwave as if you were welded to him. He, on the other hand, found you quite interesting and, if he'd ever tell you, he liked you. Very much. You sat curled up on the piles of blankets youve collected, courtesy of Breakdown, over that time. Soundwave was, again, working. "Soundwave?" You asked, trying to get his attention, even for a little bit. "Can i sit on your shoulder? Im kinda cold down here." That was a lie, but you wrapped the fluffiest blanket you had aroud your shoulders to give it more effect. You didnt even know if he was listening.

All of a sudden a thin digited servo wrapped itself around you, carefully picking you up. You let out a sound of surprise as you were switched to one of his tentacles, but instead of his shoulder, you were held close to his chassis. Laserbeak was somewhere in the room, always close to his master. You were on good terms with the minibot. You blushed, but cuddled close into the warm metal of his chassis, finding comfort. You liked this feeling and somehow, you could tell he did too. You were going to tell him, no matter what.

"Hey Sounds?" No backing out now. You looked up at the visor still facing the illiminated screen, typing away. "I love you." The gentle sounds of typing suddenly stopped. 'SHIT' suddenly you were lifted, a small snik of a removing visor unheard by you. You screwed you eyes shut, not wanting to look at him. You then feel a slender digit raise your face then a thin soft pair of lipplates touch your trembling ones. Shock and relif shot through your veins. You smaller lips melted with his as he pulled away. (E/c) eyes met bright purple optics. A small smile graced his slim features. He was attractive, but you didnt know he was that attractive. A small chuckle emmited from your new lover, optics full of emotion. "I love you too, (y/n)." His deep voice sent shivers down your spine. Slightly rough from lack of use, but it had such an effect on you. And he saw that.

Sorry for such a late upload everyone! But i still want to say thank you for so many reads. Also, sorry if it seemed like a whole bunch of word vomit. Im so happy right now. I honestly thought i wouldnt get this far 。゚(゚∩'﹏'∩゚)゚。

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