Smokescreen x Dense! Reader

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(Sorry in advance if this isnt good)

Summer vacation had never been more boring in your life! Well maybe you were over-exaggerating a bit, but you didnt care. You were flat out bored! It didnt help that you were stuck with, stick up his aft, Ratchet, while Smokescreen was out on patrol with Bumblebee for a few hours and jack and Raf were out supervising miko because she, again, followed the rest of the team on a mission. Speaking of Ratchet, he was busying himself in the makeshift medbay,  again, working on whatever he found worthy of spending his time on.

Deciding between waiting for your guardian, smokescreen, or bugging Ratchet until Smokescreen got back, of course you chose the latter! Smirking, you got up from your spot on the old couch to stride over to the working old field medic, his optics scrunched in concentration. Gripping the cold metal rail, you leaned over, determined to get his attention. "Hey, Doc, im bored!" He looked over at you, irritation on his faceplate, optics narrowing "Well go pester someone else, im busy (y/n).." He then grumbled, "And don't call me 'Doc' " He added, then something about you being so much like Smokescreen after that before going back to work.

You whined, leaning more over the rail. "But Ratchet! Smokescreen is out with Bumblebee on patrol for a few hours, and theres no one here to keep me company." you pouted as he ran a servo over his faceplate, sighing. He knew you would stop at nothing until you got your way. And that determination had won you many things, including Smokescreen's spark. But you never knew that, no matter how obvious it was, you were completely oblivious about his feelings towards you.

Ratchet held his large servo out for you to climb onto, giving in to your constant pouting and whining. You cheered in triumph, excitedly climing onto the outstretched grey servo. Ratchet smiled to himself, watching you squirm around excitedly, he shook his helm at your ridiculousness. "Hey Ratch! I wanna sit on your shoulder!" You say as you make grabby hands at him like a toddler, "Smokescreen lets me, when he's around." You added, smiling cheerfully. He rolled his optics and did so, feeling your small hands grip his digits excitedly. "Well im not Smokescreen." He stated as you climbed onto the orange and white plating, but he didn't mind you. He appreciated your cheeriness and determination to do things some would deem 'impossible'.

Perched on his shoulder, you watched  Ratchet continue to work on some random old human device. Growing bored again, you sprawled out on the piece of armor you had situated yourself on. You sighed heavily. You always missed Smokescreen when he had to go on missions and patrols. Even when you had to go home, you'd think about him all the time. Ratchet huffed, you were even oblivious about your own feelings towards the young mech! He glanced sideways at you, deep teal optics meeting your deep-in-thought face.

"(Y/n)... if you miss him so much, then why dont you call him? Though im sure he and Bumblebee will be back very soon." He looked at you flatly, expecting someting out of you. Nothing. You did, however, sit right up upon hearing two engines race into the base. A black and yellow camaro and a blue, yellow, and white racecar halted to a stop, then transforming into two cybertronians.

"Smokescreen, Bumblebee!" You quickly stood, trying not to fall off of Ratchet's shoulder plating. Smokescreen smiled at you, glad that you were happy to see him. He loved seeing you happy. Smokescreen walked over to you and plucked you carefully off of Ratchet's shoulder and set you on his own. You hugged the side of his helm affectionately, pushing the thought of kissing him in the back of your mind."You were gone for eons," you continued to complain, "i hate missing you so much when you're not around because all i can think about is you." Smokescreen froze. Where you admitting your feelings? You just kept going, even when he shifted you from his shoulder to his servo.

"I-I mean... its normal to miss friends a lot right?" You ran a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair. "But it isnt normal to think about being with them, let alone kissing!" You sighed heavily, rubbing a hand across your face. You were talking to yourself. Again. Smokescreen's cheeks were dusted with a light shade of blue due to your unintentional confession. "Smokey..." you looked at him, your (e/c) eyes looked lost and confused.  "Is there something wrong with me?" How could there be anything wrong with you? you liked Smokescreen as much as he liked you, but i guess you haddnt realized till now. Of course you'd feel confused.

"(Y/n).." he smiled, "I feel the same way." Before you could question anything further, he gently placed his lip components against your own soft lips. You closed your eyes, finally happy you understood why you felt such feelings towards the Autobot rookie. He was sweet, gentle, and caring when he wanted to be. But that didnt mean he wasnt also reckless and quick to act, sometimes at the wrong time. Regardless, you loved the energetic and clumsy mech as much as he loved you.


♥ A/N ♥

So hopefully this was okay. I did this on the way home from work (there was traffic)
✧*。( ´∩•͈ω•͈∩' )✧*。

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