Ultra Magnus x Tough!Reader: bad dream

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Quick a/n: decided to make a part 2. So enjoy!! Also, i realized i wasnt spelling raf's name right? (^。^;) idek
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length
E/c: eye color
F/c: favorite color


You relaxed on the beat up couch in the autobot base while Miko, Jack, and Rafael were out with their guardians. Your (h/l) (h/c) splayed around your head like a gentle halo as you napped the day away. Ratchet was over in the small medbay talking to Ultra Magnus. "Do you think Optimus would be okay with that, Ratchet?" Magnus glanced at your sleeping form as if something would steal you away. He was protective to say the least. Ratchet took notice and shook his helm with a small knowing smile at the commander. "Of course he would be Magnus!" Ratchet scoffed as he turned to compare and contrast the content of two datapads in his servos. "It would be preferable if you got along with one another, possibly understand eachother on a different level." After having said that, Ratchet then fell away into his own mind, minding his work. Ultra Magnus on the other hand, just watched you every so often, thinking you'd be angry with him for waking you up from a nice nap just to ask you a simple question.

You groaned out in displeasure not long after he tore his optics away from you to read a data pad. You tossed and turned, whimpering out a pitiful cry. Ultra Magnus immediately was at your side, gently nudging you awake with a thick silver digit. You jolted awake, a thin sheen of cold sweat coated your forhead. (E/c) eyes meet icy blue optics in a panicked desperation to look for anything to tell them this was reality, and you were safe.

It took no genius to know you had a nightmare. "Are you alright, (y/n)?" He asked with worry laced in his gruff voice. You only looked at him, still dazed. He picked you up and placed you gently in his sevo, the warm metal sending gentle thrums of comfort through you. You looked so vulnerable to him in this moment. What had you this way? Was the dream that bad? You never acted like this. Ultra Magnus looked over at Ratchet, busying himself with practically everything.

He thought it would be best to keep you close until you felt like talking about it. He walked to his berthroom, passing Optimus with a respectful greeting to their leader. You lay curled up in his large servo until he reached your destination. The doors slid open with a hiss, only to close behind him as he entered, with a small click of the automatic lock. He sat at the desk against the wall, placing you in a small pile of blankets and pillows you liked to keep there in case you wanted to bug Magnus while he signed reports and read datapads.

'Not so tough now, are you, (y/n)?' He shook his helm silently, 'Always pushing the people who love you, away... ' From your position, you looked up at him with deer-like eyes that he found rather cute. Cute? Oh pit, Primus help him before you killed the poor mech. "Do you wish to talk about it?" He asked in a hushed tone and you nodded hesitantly. "Yes..." tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. "Im all audios, (y/n). I know you had a nightmare. Start with that." He offered. You opened and closed your mouth like a fish, deciding where to start.

From the begining. "I had these huge white wings," you began, Ultra Magnus listening intently to every word. "I was walking around in the desert like the dry atmosphere and intense heat never bothered me," you sighed at the fleeting pleacful moment of your dream. "Then it changed from being outside to being inside a huge building with dark hallways," you swallowed hard, he took notice and gently rubbed your back with a digit, encouraging you to keep going.

"There were cries for help, screams of pain. I was trying to escape." You bit back a whimper, you refused to look more weak in front of Utra Magnus any more than you wanted to. It was hard. "They had these things that acted so much like dogs, but they werent. One bit my leg and i fell. I was taken by complete strangers into an operation room of some kind." You shivered and gripped his digit for some sort of support. "They were cutting me open, wanting to see how i functioned, they tore at my wings. There was so much blood. I tried to scream, but i couldnt. The pain felt so real." You looked up at him with tears running down your face. After telling him everything, your skin felt like it was burning from where the people in your dream cut you open and tore at you.

Ultra Magnus hummed and picked you up, gently pressing you to his chassis for comfort. The thrum of his spark soothed your nerves. You absentmindedly nuzzled the warm metal of his chassis, mumbling something he could not hear. "What was that? Speak up, i cannot hear you when you mumble, (y/n), you know that." you knew he had a small grin on those damned lipplates of his. You groaned and repeated yourself with reluctance. "Thanks for listening to me Mags," He was taken aback by your nickname for him. Usually it was 'Ultra Magnus' or 'shoulder pads.' He despised that one. You hung around with Wheeljack too often than he liked. What? He was a 'bad influence.'

You knew Ultra Magnus didnt really show any affection towards anyone. 'Always has a brave face...' you sighed closing your eyes. ' i wonder if hes afraid of anything?' You thought as you slowly drifted to sleep, feeling the gentle circling movement on your back, relaxing you further, lulling you deeper into the claws of sleep.

'Maybe that drive with (y/n) can wait until she feels better..' he thought as he went over to his berth, grabbing a few blankets and pillows from your pile on his desk. With you in his servo, held safely against his chassis,  he layed down steadily, covering you with the blankets and pillows. You sighed happily in your sleep, smiling, clutching a pillow from your nest of comfort, courtesy of the commander. His spark fluttered and he smiled slightly. He cared for you so much, he thought it just might blossom into love.

He shook his helm. 'Now isnt the time.' He relaxed, placing a large servo around you and your nest of comfort, guarding you. His optics grew heavy. 'Just a little recharge wouldnt hurt anybot,' he thought, exventing a gentle sigh, 'shes here with me, so i have no need to worry.' With that in mind, he drifted into recharge, protecting you even as he slept. A small unguarded smile on his lips.


A/n: Aww well would you look at that! Maybe there'll be more, who knows? Ill think about it, but in the mean time:

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