Ratchet x Reader

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A/n: so @joy_noelle_noble had requested i do another human reader X Ratchet. So here it is! (i also REALLY love Ratchet's face in this pic 😁)

E/c: eye color
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length
F/c: favorite color
F/h/g: favorite horror game

Your (h/l) (h/c) was tied back into a simple, but messy, updo. Your (e/c) eyes scanned the screen intensly. The sleeves of your (f/c) sweater were rolled up to your elbows. Ratchet was over in the medbay organizing and reading various datapads. Suddenly, a monster appeared on your screen, making you scream. "Oh fuck!" You shouted as you also tumbled off the couch, dropping the controller in your hands from the sudden scare, and onto the concrete floor of the base. You heard a snort come from behind you from the over-worked mech who was reading, yet another, datapad. You crawled onto the couch and faced the smug look on Ratchet's faceplate.

"Shut up, old man." You huffed in annoyance. That earned you a harsh glare from the autobot medic. You battled that glare with your own. Ratchet and you normally got along, believe it or not, but it was times like these, when you were playing your videogames, especially (f/h/g), the both of you would bicker. "Im not that old (y/n)." He rolled his blue optics. He then went back to reading the forgotten datapad in his servos. You got up from your reclaimed spot on the couch. "Do you think Miko is ever going to learn to not follow Optimus and them when they go on missions?" You sat on the metal railing, overlooking the medbay. You knew he hated it when you sat up there because he'd worry you'd fall and hurt yourself.

"No, not with that thick human skull of hers," he looked at you, huffing his response. "And what did i say about you sitting up there?" He plucked you off the railing and placed you onto his shoulder. "Well... you did say you were worried that i'd fall and possibly die." You snickered as he cast his gaze sideways towards you. "And it'd be in my servos." He grumbled. You just smirked "You care about me and you know it." You smiled and situated yourself comfortably on his shoulder, resting your head against his red-orange and white helm. Ratchet began his work again with the additional thought of making sure you dont fall off.

You watched him work without a word, enjoying the silence between the both of you. Occasionally asking questions like 'whats that?' Or 'could you tell me more?' You were honestly fasinated with cybertronian biology, culture, and language. Ratchet seemed to enjoy teaching you these things as you also taught him of earth and human customs. You honestly didnt even mind being his human charge either. Since you had a 'tiny' cruch on the grumpy medic.

You eyed his work, often commenting here and there, which rewarded you with a small nudge of a grey digit. You only swatted him away half heartedly with a small laugh and a smile.


"Ratch.." you called to the seemingly busy medic. "Ratchet!" You called louder, somewhat startling the bot out of his thoughts. "W-what, what is it, (y/n)?" A small tint of blue on his cheeks, his blue optics searching your (e/c) ones for something. "Im bored.." you paused for a moment, "play with me." You smiled as he just stared at you from your sudden request. He struggled to assemble a proper response. This caused you to laugh, "N-not like that." You held your sides, the pain from laughing growing. Your cheeks red.

"Unless~" you purred into his audio fin. Youd be completely stupid to miss the shiver that ran through his frame. You laughed, the look on his face was priceless. You doubled over on his shoulder, laughing at the cute expression. But you didnt see that look go from cute to aroused and frustrated. He picked you up and set you in the palm of his servo, the warm metal slitghtly soothing. You were lifted up to met the optics of the mech whom you've stolen the spark of. He grunted and looked at you as you shook with laughter.

Your laughs quickly dissappeared by the gentle touch of his lips against your own. Your smaller lips melted with his. You loved the feeling in your stomach that he gave you. The tell tale fireworks set off between the two of you. You placed your hand on his face and smiled as the both of you parted. "I love you, you know that Ratchet?" His face lit up in a bright blush at your confession. "I love you too, (y/n)." He kissed you softly, petting your (h/l) (h/c) hair. He placed you back onto his shoulder, where you sat, peacfully watching your working medic.

It wasnt long after that Optimus and the rest of the autobots requested a groundbridge and came back to base with more energon. Miko was being scolded by Jack and Raf, who then went to sit on the couch with his laptop. As the short japanese punk-rock teen made her way towards you and Ratchet, she paused her rambling to study you and the medic.

"Am i missing something here?" You just laughed at her, leaning against the side of Ratchet's helm, causing the slightly flustered medic to just roll his optics at you.

A/n: sorry its kinda short! But i do hope you guys did enjoy another small Ratchet x Reader fic!

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