"Tell Yuri I'll be there in an hour,  ask Mama Angela to get Devin and them together, Toussaint is most likely hiding out in the house by the lake in the very back of the property and as for my mother......... don't let her in." I said hanging up.

"Mr. Prater......" My secretary said timidly, I gave her a smile to put her at ease because it wasn't her fault no one could follow simple instructions. "There's a Smoke down in the lobby for you." She said and I felt relief wash over me. Finally someone competent, I had him escorted up and led him into my office.

"I can't stay long but I should let you know this isn't Nico Porrell......." He said handing me a picture of someone who looked exactly like Nico sitting at a cafe writing, like damn near twins.

"How can you be sure?" I asked because it looked a lot like Nico to me.

"He's using his right hand, Nico is left handed and his ears it's something most people would miss but like fingerprints no two ears are the same and clearly by the shaped of the earlobe this isn't Nico." Smoke said and this is why I fucked with him because he knew his shyt better than anyone.

"Okay so where is the real Nico?" I asked and Smoke shrugged.

"But there is some other news I got, both Enzo and Blaze said they felt someone was in there yards and....." Smoke started to say but Enzo cut him off.

"Yeah but that was just my neighbor and Devin thought it was a pack of dogs." Enzo said.

"Unless you  neighbor wears a size eight Jordan, I doubt it was him. Also I doubt Mr. Rogers could make two very different sized footprints in Devin's little garden area, one was a Jordan size eight the other was a pair of Tims size ten. These were from the gas station about a mile from Young Mon's house, the night he was shot though I couldn't get a clear shot of his face the person was wearing a pair of Tims that look to be a size ten, could be a coincidence but I don't know a lot of people who knowingly walk around with spots of blood on there shoes." He said pointing out everything in the pictures.

"We can talk about this some more later let's just get our family our family on these damn planes." I said studying the pictures carefully. When we got back to my place we had a full blown mutiny on our hands let's go down the list; Devin was being the Devin of old, ready for whatever and out for blood. Cam and Sa'vion were both pissed that they couldn't be here for their brother but Liberty and Kierra pretty much had them on lock so I wasn't too worried. Domo and Vanessa were having a argument by the pool that was either going to lead to them fighting or fucking that would be the first thing I handle after dealing with my son.

"Dad you can't make me go...... I'm not leaving Mario here. What if something happens to him?" Saint asked and I could see the fear in his eye.

"Mario will be safe, he's in El Paso with his cousin and I have people watching his every move. Nothing will happen to him, I know you care for him but you have to see the bigger picture Toussaint I can't do what needs to be done if I'm worrying about you." I said and Saint held my gaze, he was determined and I could never deny my son anything. "Fine I'll call Rafael and let him know to have Mario pack a bag but you gotta go Saint." I said quietly.

"What about you?" He asked quietly. "I lost my mom, I lost my dad before I could even walk....... what if something happens to you? You think I could live with that?" He said with tears forming in his eyes and honestly I started laughing. "IT'S NOT FUNNY DAD!" Saint said pissed.

"It actually is, I'll tell you why the next time I see you." I said standing up and walking out the pool house. "Y'all should really stop all this arguing it's not good for the baby." I said walking past Vanessa and Dominique, childish I know but they were giving me a headache and there was still one person I needed to deal with. I walked into my room where Yuri was pacing around heated, I knew he was pissed I had him locked in here but I had my reasons.

"I should beat your ass Zyshaun you stupid muthafuc......" I pushed him on the bed with little effort and climb on top of him. Yuri tried to fight but it was a losing battle I always got what I wanted, as I pulled his shorts down and started messing with his dick.

"You gotta get on the plane Yuri......." I said licking around the head of his dick, I felt his body shudder but he was still resisting me.

"Fuck off......" He said quietly, I started working on his dick slowly using my tongue in the exact way I taught him. "Damn...... fuck I'm...... still not going......." He said weakly. I didn't suck his dick often, only when I needed some heavy duty negotiating tactics and within minutes Yuri was pushing my head down further on his dick and fucking my mouth and right when he was about to nut I stopped.

"I'll make a deal with you Baby Boy, you get on that plane and when I get to Saint Trinity I'll let you fuck me." I said looking in his eyes, Yuri still looked pissed but also excited as he nodded. "Aight let's get you downstairs so we can do our goodbyes." I said helping him to his feet, this was about to be hard but it was necessary and........ fucking Cain and Caleb, I don't know where that thought came from but it hit me like a ton of bricks. I pulled out my phone and quickly called Smoke, I don't know why I just had a feeling that they were behind this and after what I did to them they had every reason to want revenge...................................

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now