
I snapped out of my thoughts and scolded myself for staring.


"Done eye raping me?" He smirks

"You wish." I scoff

I noticed that his sleeves were uneven and the collar was up. I shook my head and walked over to him. I took his arm and rolled up his sleeves properly. I looked up at him and fixed his collar. I let my hands rest there,around his neck.

"You do look very hot though, I'm not gonna lie." I admit. His eyes were shocked and I could see a faint blush. His shocked expression soon faded as he laid his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Why thank you gorgeous. You're looking as beautiful as ever too." He smirks

I smile lightly, not believing him at all. I was far from beautiful and everyone knows that. Cole was just joking around.

I pulled away from him when the doorbell rang and I swear I saw his face fall for a moment. I went to sit at the couch while Cole opens the door. Our friends walk in all dressed up. My eyes widen as I see Olivia and Ariana. They were dressed in super short dresses and so much makeup. They looked amazing but slutty. I suddenly felt very insecure in my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

Ariana wraps her arms around and Cole and kisses his cheek. She tells him how hot he is and he mumbles something in her ear which makes her giggle. I look down, feeling like I wanna throw up.

God why was I so ugly.

As if Cole, or any other guy for that matter, would ever like an ugly little shit like me. I bit my lip to surpress a tear.

Chase saw me and smiled. Our friends already know that I lived with Cole. Jess was more than happy to find out that I've moved out of the scary ass place I used to call home.

"Hey little A!!" He says walking over to me. He gives me a hug and I return it.

"Aren't you coming to the party?" He asks. I shake my head and he pouts

"But whyyyy"

"I have more important things to attend to." I say. He pouts and I laugh and pinch his cheek.

"You're adorable." I say making him gasp.

"I am not adorable!! I am hot." He says

"Yeah suuurreee." I tease

He playfully glares at me but then grins.

"Hiii Alexa!" Olivia says.

"Hi Olivia! Robin" I smile at them

"Hello to you too Ariana." I say. Ariana finally stops chatting to Cole and aknowleges me. She gives me a wave and then goes back to hugging Cole's arm.

"Auntie Allie!!"

I pick Axel up and he grins at me.

"Is Cole leaving now?" He asks

"Yeah I am bud. You be good now okay? Make sure your Auntie Allie doesn't destroy the house" Cole teases. I glare at him and he smirks at me.

"Is this your nephew Alexa?" Olivia asks. I nod and Axel smiles shyly and waves at them.

"Awww!! You're so cute!!!" Ariana squeals. Axel looks at her and Cole.

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