The Heist

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Four masked men, of whom were sitting in a car outside of the Bank of New Alexandria, scoping out the area. They drove into the alleyway next to the bank and parked out of public view and popped the trunk of the car. Inside, there were several automatic rifles, a sniper rifle, shotguns and pistols. Three of the masked men geared up and stayed in the car. The fourth, moved to a vantage point with a sniper rifle. The men waited for a time to strike, and an opportunity was open.

One of the three men went to the roof, and the others were ready to go into the bank. The guy on the roof released knock out gas through the ventilation system. Once they were in the clear, the two men put on gas masks and entered into the bank. Once inside, the man on the roof came down and entered the building. Once the crew reached the bank vault, they used a chemical compound to corrode through the locking mechanisms. The men entered the bank vault and started bagging up the cash. Everything was looking good. The men were about to head out when police sirens were heard in the distance. From the where the sirens were coming from, it was as if they were coming from all sides. Suddenly a wholes fleet of swat vans, and helicopters showed up, and were deploying their troops. The three men inside the store readied their weapons, and headed through the front doors. They shot and killed off several armed cops, and were running down to the subway stations to lose the cops. The fourth crew member saw this and killed a few police snipers, and he blew up his sniper rifle with an explosive, to not leave a trace, and equipped his rifle and ran from building to building, heading to the substation where the other crew members were heading.

When the three crew members reached the subway station, it had already been cleared out and a few guards were on high alert. "Stop where you are, and drop your weapon!" Yelled a guard. One of the crew members lowered his rifle. When he had a chance, he whipped out his sidearm and shot the guard in the head. Two other guards ran up the stairs, but the other two crew members shot them both. The three went down to the platform and went onto the tracks, and went into the tunnels. From above ground, the fourth crew member saw a helicopter drop one police unit into the subway tunnels. The other three crew members were informed and were waiting for what would happen. Guns at the ready. Suddenly a spec-ops unit bashes through the maintenance passageway and jumps over the railing and kicks a crew member to the floor. The other two shot at the special unit, but missed every shot. The masked figure pulled out an extendable baton and ran at the two armed men. A crew member drops his gun and takes out a combat knife and swings at the special unit. The knife strike hit, but he was hit in the chest by the baton. The special unit jumps in the air and kicked the crew member to the ground. The other crew member was told to get to the end of the tunnels and escape. But, the special unit threw a throwing knife into the other crew member's leg. All three members were defeated and the fourth was on his way to help them. Once the fourth member arrived, he held his combat knife in his hand, and got into a fighting position, ready for anything the special unit could throw at him. The unit threw another throwing knife, but the heist leader caught it and threw it back his way. The special unit was knocked off balance when trying to dodge the knife, and the heist leader ran up to him. He grabbed the unit's arm, and stabbed his knife into it, and snapped his arm. He then grabbed the unit by the throat and swept his leg. Once on the ground, he stabbed the special unit in his throat, killing him. 

The leader slowly stood up, looking at what he had done, and went over to help up his friends. "Ace, you always have those moments of being a true badass sometimes." Ace nodded and helped his partner off of the ground. "Yep, that's how it always was, Bishop. I do what's best for the team." Ace said. Bishop grabbed the two bags off of the two knocked out crew members. "Bishop, let's get them to the get away vehicle." Ace said, "Negative, they will slow us down." Bishop said, and Ace nodded. The two were about to exit the tunnel, when two more special units showed up. One shot Bishop straight in the forehead, and the other knocked Ace to the ground. Ace saw Bishop bleeding from the head, and brawled with the special units. Ace knocked both of the special units out, and took his pistol, then executed them both. When Ace turned around, an armed guard bashed him in the forehead with the butt of his shotgun.

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