"Damn. You guys are a hell lot of trouble." I say

"Were. Ever since Robin started dating Olivia, he's gone all mushy and soft and boringggg. I mean I get that he's becoming a gentleman for her but he's ditching on his friends." Chase says

"Damn right. Olivia is changing too. She used to be this caring, fun outgoing and rowdy girl, but then she started dating Robin and she's become a girly girl." I say

"Love. It makes you do weird things." He says

"Cheers to that." I say

As were eating, a person stood over us. I turned my head and saw the rest of our friends, all glaring at me. I chuckle and grin at them.


Jess starts yelling at me. Asking me why I haven't been answering her calls and texts. Why I wasn't at school the past few days. She told me she thought I was dead. Other people may think that was an exaggeration but Olivia and I both know she meant it. She actually thought I might've died.

After Jess came Olivia but it wasn't that bad. She just told me not to scare them again.

Once everyone has calmed down, they went to the counter to order their food. Chase went to the restroom so now Cole and I were left alone. He hasn't said a word but I know he has a lot to say.

"I was so worried."

"I know..." I say looking down at my hands. I was preparing myself for a scolding.

"I fucked up. I'm so sorry"

I look at him in shock. Was he serious??? He's apologizing?! The guilt in me grew even more. I made him think that this was his fault . God I'm such a terrible friend.

"It's not your fault." I say

"Yes it is! I was scolding you instead of comforting you. I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry." He says

"No. It's my fault. Don't you dare put this on yourself. It's my fault, I'm such a fuck up. I'm so sorry." I say. My eyes start watering as I look at him

"No no no please don't cry." He says. I can tell he doesn't know how to comfort someone and I chuckle at that. I wipe my eyes and smile lightly at him

"We'll talk later, okay? I-I promise to explain" I say. He shakes his head and I look at him confused. I was sure he wanted answers

"I don't want you to tell me because you feel like you have to. Tell me when you're ready. I don't wanna force you." He says. I smile gratefully at him. God I don't deserve him. I don't deserve his kindness.

"Nebulizer?" I ask and he grins widely

"I missed that." He says truthfully

"I did it. And I have my inhaler" he continues

I smile. I haven't done that in a while. To be honest I usually smile when Cole is around. He's someone who understands me. He can see through my mask and see the real me. I smile with everyone else because I am entertained. But with Cole, I smile cause I'm genuinely happy. Happy that he cares and he understands. He knows how I feel.

"Did you...did you eat?" He asks hesitantly

"I couldn't break my promise." I say and he lights up. Cold is beaming with pride.

"I'm so proud of you!!!" He says hugging me tightly.

I chuckled and proceeded to tell him what I ate this past week. He was smiling proudly at me the whole time. The smile never left his face. Not even when our friends back. He just ate his food and I chatted with everyone. Somewhere between the chatting, I found myself holding onto Cole's hand. I didn't notice and he didnt mind. Cause as our hands were intertwined, I had a true smile on my face.

Cole seemed to know that. He knew that I was happy. And I could see it in his eyes that he would make sure I stay that way.

How would I know?

Cause I promised myself the same thing. I'm gonna make sure that this idiot will find happiness and joy.


I'll be posting a new chapter everyday btw. :-)

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