Omake !

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Here is my apologies gift for not updating for so long.

Actually, I intended to make this as chapter 29 long ago but I can't continue it because of writer block. So , this just for fun. Enjoy!


"Good Morning! Wake up, Kurokochii.. today's weather are so great. Let's take a walk!" Kise opens the window, taking a deep breath of morning wind blow.

"..hmmm.." Kuroko pulls the blanket over his head, continue to sleep.

"Kurokochii.. wakey wakeyy.." Kise shaking a little of Kuroko's body. Hoping that it will awake Kuroko.

"..5 minutes more.." mumbles Kuroko, eyes close.

"This is weird. You usually wake up earlier than others." Kise sighs. It sure hard to wake Kuroko up today.

"Breakfast is ready. Let's eat!" Kagami says as he enters the room to notify Kise and Kuroko to come eat breakfast. He is still wearing an apron on his body, proving that he just finished up cooking the breakfast for everybody. Ever since they start to stay together, he volunteers in cooking chores. He is not giving any opportunity for Momoi to cook although she keeps on begging for him, as all of them knew how worse she is in cooking.

"Eh. Kuroko didn't get up yet?" He asks, curious as he sees a cocoon with the blue hair sticking out of it still lying on the bed.

"Help me here, Kagamichii. Kurokochii doesn't even want to open his eyes."Kise begs for Kagami's help.

"You're too soft with him, that's why it won't work. Let me try" Kagami moves beside Kuroko.

"Wake up you sleepy head!" Kagami shouts at Kuroko's ear causing the bluenette instantaneously rise his body, the blanket fall to his lap.

"Look, that's working." Kagami satisfies with the result.

"Kagamichii! That is wrong, poor Kurokochii," Kise hugs Kuroko to calm him down but he detects something else around Kuroko. The aura. Yes.. The aura is not a good one.

Kise looks at Kuroko face but flinches as he sees it. Kuroko eyes is not a usual one, it's staring like a hunger beast.

Immediately Kise moving away from Kuroko, scared look on his face.

"Now what? Why are you that scared?" Kagami still didn't realise Kuroko's mood change.

"Danger Kagamichii.." Kise almost in tears.

"What do you mean by that?" Kagami still clueless.

"Kagami-kun." cold voice calls his name. Of course, the only person who sitting on the bed who is calling him. Kagami changes his attention to Kuroko but also flinch as he feels the murderous aura from Kuroko.

"gulp" Kagami swallows his saliva, nervous on what is going to happen next.

"Thanks for waking me up."

"'re wel..welcome."

"..hahaha.." dark laugh engulfing the room.

Both Kise and Kagami froze.

The next thing Kagami realises that Kuroko is in front of him because of the force on his collar shirt by Kuroko's hand. Kuroko is staring at Kagami's eyes with a dark smirk.

"However, I do not feel like waking up yet." Cold eyes stare into tremble eyes of Kagami.

"So.. Don't ever disturb me again!" he shouts straight at Kagami's face causing the redhead's body tremble instantaneously.

Kuroko pushes Kagami and lying back to his bed, continue to sleep.

Kagami couldn't even get up from his fall. All his energy have left him because of the shock that he is feeling right now.

After few minutes of silence, Kise recovers from his shock and runs to Kagami to make sure the redhead is okay.

"Kagamichii, are you okay? Hey.. response to me. Kagamichii.." Kise slaps Kagami's face to help him recover from the shock however it didn't help at all. Kagami's body still tremble hard.

The only thing that escapes from Kagami's mouth is "anger dog".

And since that, Kagami is taking more precaution step whenever he sees Kuroko is sleeping.


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