Chapter 4 : Promise

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Disclaimer : I do not own KnB.

One day left before Seirin high will be matched with Kaijo High and their train just like there is no tomorrow. They have observed how Kaijo plays and they have improved more than the last time they fought together. They use all of their teammates in a play, not depending on Kise alone anymore. Each of them has a different ability which helps them in winning a game.

For Seirin, they also improved, they still applying team play in their playing and with Kuroko still be a shadow for the team especially for Kagami, causing them to understand each other abilities more and also helping each other to recover their weakness.

Riko's father and Alex keep in touch with them since Winter Cup tournament. Their stamina increased rapidly because of Riko's father training as expected from a former trainer.

Kuroko didn't use his shoot much after defeating Rakuzan. Maybe because of he cannot control his law presence after using that shoot. So, right now he just doing his other techniques but not for the shoot anymore. All of them have been asked with new techniques to be applying for their play. And they do a post mortem on it, asking for everyone in the team opinions. Using the data as a basis for making their new techniques, everyone succession on making new moves. But still keep it as a secret so that their enemy doesn't recover it first.

It's only at 5 p.m they had stopped their training for the day.

"Alright, now I want all of you to have an enough rest so that you can pay attention and give your best for tomorrow. Dismiss" said Riko.

All of them preparing to go back home, suddenly Furihata asking if they want to spend time together at Magi Cafe, the usual place which they always spend time together other than the basketball court. All of them agree with that suggestion and they continue heading toward the Magi Cafe.

Everyone ordered a set of burger and soft drinks. Kagami ordered ten burgers with soft drinks. While Kuroko only ordered for Vanilla Milkshakes. Everyone eyed him with disbelief looks.

"Erm. Kuroko, are you only going to drink that? Aren't you hungry after training?" asked Izuki, sweatdropped.

"Yes. And no, I don't feel like eating much" answered Kuroko.

"sigh. This is why you are fragile. Take one of mine" said Kagami, give one of his burgers to Kuroko.

"It's okay. I don't want" said Kuroko refuse the offer.

"Take it" stated Kagami.

"no. I don't want" stated Kuroko.

"Take it" stated Kagami again.

"No" stated Kuroko again.

"Stop it, guys. We are in café now. Kuroko, I think you need to take the burger. It is an order. " said

Hyuga takes advantage of his position in the team.

"I want you to take it too" stated Riko, agreeing with Hyuga.

"Yeah, you need to eat some of it. Half is enough, as long as you eat." Said Tsuchida.

Kuroko stares at the burger for a while and takes it after few second passed. The others smiled and started to chat back, talking about Basketball of course.

Kuroko opened the plastic that wrapping the burger and bite a bit. Then he passed it to Kagami back.

Kagami frown.

"Hey, finished it. I don't want to take what you left behind." Said Kagami.

"I am already full," said Kuroko.

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