Chapter 2 : Something goes Wrong

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Disclaimer : I do not own KnB.

The National Tournament already started and it's already the middle of the tournament. Today, Seirin High will fight with Hakuryo High to qualify them either they could enter the top six ranking. All of the Kiseki no Sedai are already in the top six ranking. Now, it left for Seirin to follow them and Kuroko could fulfil his deal with Kiseki no Sedai.

On the third quarter is when Kuroko noticed something. His bodies not reflect fast as usual and sometimes his hand and knee buckle. He stops running and tries to grip his hand tightly which he found a bit difficult. His eyes widen. 'What happens?' thought Kuroko.

Suddenly, someone taps his shoulder, shocking him. Slowly he turns his head toward the owner of the hands. The person is saying something but he didn't recognise who it is because his sight are blurry and he seems cannot hear his surrounding clearly. He clutches his face, try to clear the blurry of his eyes and shake his head so that his hearing come back to his sense. After a few seconds, his sense comes back and he could see Kagami was shaking him with a worried face.

"Woi Kuroko, are you alright?" asked Kagami, look a little desperate.

"I'm fine. "Said Kuroko, emotionless. He tried to cover his panic before.

"No, I don't think you're fine. You look confused before. Don't lie to me" said Kagami again, try to make Kuroko said the truth.

"No. nothing happens. I am fine , believe me" said Kuroko with his usual boring tone.

Kagami observes Kuroko and nodding his head. "Alright then. If you feel unwell, say so. We could change you with the others. " said Kagami.

"I am really alright, Kagami-kun. Don't worry" said Kuroko.

"Kuroko! Kagami! What are you guys doing there? Stay focus!" shouted Hyuga from the other side of the court.

"Roger, captain!" said both Kagami and Kuroko, starting to run back and making a new score.


A siren sound could be heard on all sides of the stadium indicate that the game already finished.

The score was 70 - 101.

They win against Hakuryo High and have been categorising as bottom six ranking for the National Tournament. The next team that they will fight with is Kaijo High, where one of the Kiseki no Sedai are. Kise Ryouta.

They line up and bowing with their opponent. After that, they proceed to their change room and prepared themselves to go back home when suddenly Kagami noticed that Kuroko is not with them.

"Anybody know where Kuroko are?" asked Kagami to the others.

One by one of them shook their head but Koganei answer Kagami's question.

"Before, I saw him heading toward the toilet. Maybe, he still in there." Said Koganei.

"When do you see him?" asked Kagami again.

"Around 20 minutes ago" answered Koganei.

"That's weird. Just how long is he going to stay there? I will check on him" said Kagami. His heart feels something is wrong with Kuroko since he caught the blunette, confusing in the court when their game is still ongoing. He walks exiting the changing room and headed to boys toilet at the corner of the sidewalk.

As he nearing the toilet, he could hear someone is throwing up. He panicked, and rushing walk in the toilet. Only to be welcomed by Kuroko's body, bending at the toilet. The blunette is currently throwing up with a hurt expression. Kagami's eyes widen and he runs toward Kuroko. He patting on Kuroko's back chest slowly. Kuroko shocked, he looking at Kagami but only to looking back at the toilet when he could feel he want to throw up again. He keeps on throwing up and stopped seven minutes later.

"Hoi Kuroko, are you really alright? Let me bring you to the hospital now" said Kagami, worriedly as he change Kuroko's position. He lifts up Kuroko and let the blunette sit on the sink, which has space in the next of the sink. He wipes Kuroko's mouth with his handkerchief smoothly.

Kuroko tries to regain his energy back and slowly start to talk to Kagami.

"I am alright, Kagami-kun. Don't tell the others and don't worry. It just a simple matter" said Kuroko, calmly.

"It is not a simple matter at all. You have been throwing up for awhile now. What happen to you?" asked Kagami, still trapped in anxious.

"I don't know myself. I just having a bad headache and throwing up since the game end."Said Kuroko.

"I will bring you to the Hospital now" stated Kagami, lift Kuroko again but this time at his back.

"Stop, Kagami-kun. I don't want to worry anyone else. I will go myself tomorrow. I feel alright now after throwing up. Let me stand by myself. I will walk on my own. " said Kuroko, with his calm voice.

"You're sure with this?" asked Kagami again.

"Yes" replied Kuroko. Hearing Kuroko's voice not as worse as before, he drop the boy on the ground.

"Promise me that you will go to the hospital tomorrow, " said Kagami, want the blunette to promise with him.

"I will," said Kuroko, looking straight at Kagami. Just to ensure the boy in front of him.

Kagami nodded his head. "Alright then, lets us go back to the changing room. Everyone must have already done packing; we need to pack our thing too and go back home. You look exhausted already. " said Kagami, looking at Kuroko with a worried face. Again.

"Let's go," said Kuroko, don't want to waste his time anymore. He does feel fatigue already consuming his body after nearly half an hour in the toilet, throwing up. He walks first, followed by Kagami at his back, just to be a support if anything happens again to Kuroko.

As they walk entering the changing room, Their teammate did packing their thing, just as Kagami thought so.

"Ah, Kuroko-kun, where have you been? You are late for half an hour now. Are you alright? " asked Riko, a bit hint of worried in his voice.

"I am alright, coach. It's just there's something I need to handle before" said Kuroko, showing a bit of his smile. Kagami just stares at Kuroko. He doesn't like it when the blunette try to hide something from their teammate. They should be as one now, no secret and no wall between each other. But he could do nothing because of the blunette's request.

"Okay. Go packing your thing and we are going home. Don't forget tomorrow we still have a practice. Recharge yourself this night" said Hyuga.

"Roger, Captain!" all of them shouted except Riko.


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