Chapter 20 : Giving up

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Disclaimer: I do no own KnB.

There might spelling and grammar errors. Bare with it and Enjoy the story!


Kuroko blink his eyes few time before registering where he is currently, gaining his strength, he try to move his body, to get up but he could feel his lower part below his waist not responding to him. He start to become panic.

'why..why I can't move?' he thought.

Then when he realize that there are a lot of wires on him, he move all of them from his body, including the breathing mask that he have wear for the past two weeks. The heart monitor suddenly change its sound from beeping into a straight line sound which telling there is no heart beat on the patient anymore. The loud sound causing Aomine and Momoi to wake up from their short nap.

"What is that sound?" Momoi asks as she rubs her sleepy eyes.

"Isn't that the heart monitor sound? Tetsu's heartbeat..right?" Aomine is still on his sleepy state but as his statement register his mind, his sleepy eyes suddenly shot open widely.

"Tetsu!" His get up from the cushion instantaneously, searching for Kuroko on the hospital bed and only to stun right away. It is Kuroko on the bed, supporting his body on the hospital head bed and looking at them in wide eyes.

"Tetsu-kun!!" Cries Momoi as she run toward Kuroko. She hugs him as soon she reach him, crying her heart out, her relief feeling.

"Tetsu.. I'm glad you're awake." Aomine laughs in happiness, walking toward Kuroko with a huge smile.

"What happen?" Kuroko asks them with hoarse voice then he cough harshly. His throat sure dry because of the lack of water. He does not drink for two weeks , no wonder it become that hoarse.

Momoi reach for a glass of water next to the bed and gives it to Kuroko. "Here Tetsu-kun, drink first."

Kuroko drinks it instantaneously as soon as he get it from Momoi.

"Slow down, Tetsu. You're going to choke if you keep drinking like that." Aomine advices as he holds on Kuroko's tremble hand, supporting Kuroko. Kuroko is not strong enough after going through the near dying state.

Kuroko slow down on gulping the water. Then after few second, he finish drinking them all.

"Thank you.." Kuroko says in low voice.

"You're welcome." Both Momoi and Aomine say. Then they grin as they look Kuroko's look. They have missed him so much and now he is awake in front of them, this is enough to make them happy.

"Ah! I forgot, we have to inform the doctor first. I will go call for them. Wait here, Satsuki." Aomine says as he runs toward the door.

"Alright" Momoi replies.

"Tetsu-kun.. I'm so glad to see you awake. I am so relief." Momoi reaches for Kuroko's hand and gasp on it tightly. "I..I am sorry for leaving you alone.. that time. It's my fault." Momoi's eyes start to producing tears. Next, the tears becoming faster flowing down her cheek. She cries in front of Kuroko.

Kuroko wipe Momoi's tears. Then he speak out his intention. The decision that he have make out before he faint at the cemetery.

"I am the one who making you hurt this bad. I am sorry.... I have made up my mind. We need to break up." Kuroko says with no emotion in his face.

Momoi's eyes wide instantaneously. "What are you talking about, Tetsu-kun? Are you still half asleep?" Momoi asks, still can't believe what have she heard from Kuroko's.

"I am full awake, Momoi-san. I can't make my friends hurt anymore and our relationship have hurt Aomine-kun's feeling. I have made up my mind, that my feeling is no longer needed. It's only make everyone hurt. I will get rid of my feeling." Kuroko says, explaining everything that he feel. The last effort on thinking about his feeling. He have made up his mind to continue on become emotionless shadow like before.

"That's wrong Tetsu-kun. You make a wrong decision!" Momoi began to shout, denying everything that Kuroko have decided on.

Suddenly the door being open widely.

"I have brought the doctor here!" Aomine announced to them. He is still grinning.

The doctor and nurses immediately run toward Kuroko and start checking him. The doctor instruct Kuroko to lie down as he start to check on Kuroko. Momoi and Aomine being ask to leave the room, leaving Kuroko on the care of the doctor and nurses.

They obey the nurses. Momoi leave the room with a hard feeling. Her smiles already dropping into a sad look which look more like she is going to cry any time from now.

Aomine notices this.

"Why are you sad, Satsuki? Don't you feel happy that Tetsu is already gaining consciousness?" Aomine asks Momoi.

"I am happy looking him gaining his consciousness but Tetsu-kun have decided on breaking up with me" Momoi cries.

"W-what?!" Aomine yelps a bit, shock with what have he heard.

"*sobs.. Tetsu-kun want us to break up... *sobs ..He have decided to become an emotionless shadow, that he don't hurt.. anyone feeling again. He give up on his own feeling.." Momoi's cries become harder. She fall to the floor, closing her face with both her hands, crying all her heart out.

"No way.." Aomine mutters. He too can't accept Kuroko's decision and he know, he is the one who trigger Kuroko decision.

Aomine fall into silent leaving Momoi's crying all alone.


"Your condition are fully stable now. We are going to do MRI next day to make sure your tumor didn't increase it size. But, we still need to take caution on your health since your antibody is not strong enough because of the side effect of chemotherapy and radiation. Make sure you're not nearing with someone who are sick, alright?" The doctor keep on giving advice to Kuroko which Kuroko only reply with a low nods.

"Can I ask you something?" Kuroko asks the doctor.

"Yes. Anything" The doctor gives a warm smile at Kuroko.

"Why can't I move my leg?" Kuroko asks straight.

The doctor silent for a moment. Then he reply to Kuroko. "I believe it is because of you getting late treatment that day causing your lower part not getting any oxygen. This cause half of your body become paralyses." The doctor answer.

"So I can't move my legs anymore? I can't walk?" Kuroko asks. Although he have decide on becoming emotionless, but this sudden news already making him feel wavering. He can no longer walking by his own. He is no longer have the opportunity to play basketball anymore. It's like he loss his will power to stay insane, to stay alive.

"I believe you can't anymore" The doctor stating what Kuroko fear most.

Kuroko fall into silent.

The doctor feel pity toward Kuroko but he himself couldn't do anything. He pat on Kuroko's shoulder.

"I need to go now. Please push the button if you have anything to ask for." The doctor smiles and leave the room together with the nurses.

Being alone in the room causing him to think the negative things.

He lands on the head bed. He continue staring on his leg. His hand reach for his knees, he slaps his leg harshly, try to get any feeling from the legs but nothing. He feel nothing... He can't even feel he have a leg anymore. He frowns.

"Haha.. Haha.. This is my punishment for hurting my friends feeling. Serve me right! Hahaha.." Kuroko laughs in a pain tone. Without he realize, his eyes letting out tears while laughing.

Drop by drop tear fall to his hand, to his blanket. Soon, the laugh die and being replace by cries full of scream.


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