"Okay. Well I better get class! I'd say it was lovely meeting you but that would be a lie." I said walking away from them

I felt someone follow me and suddenly Cole was right in front of me. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.


"That was rude Brians." He said



I rolled my eyes at him. I was not in the mood to put up with him right now. But me being the stubborn little shit I am, refuse to apologize.

"No." I say sternly

"Why must you always be difficult? It's just one word." He huffs and I cross my arms

"Cause I don't want to." I say

"You also have to apologize for what happened yesterday." He says and I scoff

"You deserve it. Next time don't make out on my locker." I say and try to walk past him. He blocks my way and I give a frustrated groan

"Move Reynolds." I glare at him


"Why would I apologize to an ass like you?!" I raise my voice

"You're one to talk Brians!!! You're the one shoved me!!" He raises his voice too. His fists are clenched and I know that he's getting angry.

"Well you're the one who decided to make out on my locker!!"

"Just apologize Brians!"

"No. You never apologized, so I won't either."

"Why would I have to apologize?!"

"Oh I don't know, for ruining my high school life?!"

"I didn't do shit!!"

"Fine! I'm sorry."



"Why you little bitch!!!!"

It was the most intense argument we have ever had. We were both standing in the now empty hallway, yelling profanities at each other. We were both angry and stressed. Our argument was out of topic, but we were still releasing all our anger towards each other. I guess we were both in a bad mood today, that's why we're acting like this.

"YOU THINK YOU'RE ALL THAT?! YOU-" he stops mid sentence. I'm still enraged but it slowly turns into confusion as I see him run away. Cole never runs away, what's going on?

I ran after him but it wasn't a far run as I saw him collapsed on the floor. His back pressed up against the lockers. He was holding his chest and having trouble breathing. He was wheezing real bad and he was shaking as he scrambled to get something from his locker.

I shook my head to snap out of my shocked state and made him sit down. He started stuttering as if trying to tell me something

"I hale- in-hale-haleher-"


I immediately grabbed his inhaler and gave it to him. He took it and I watched him, feeling nothing but worry.

I stayed by him even if he was the asshole who ruined my life, even if he was the person I despised the most. I stayed by him, making sure he was alright, even if he was my enemy.

A janitor came up to us, to scold us for not being in class...

"We're currently going through an important matter right now, so I suggest you leave." I say and give him the scariest death glare I could do. My hands were clenched and he could see that.

"I-I won't tell a-a-anyone" he stutters and scurries away.

I sat back down and waited till Cole got better. Silence surrounded us. I was still in shock and he was recovering. I was too busy in my own thoughts and only snapped out of it when I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder. Cole had closed his eyes and put his head on my shoulder. He looked tired and drained.

"Thanks." He mumbled

"What the hell just happened" Is my reply


Ohhhhh....wait what?!


He removed his head from my shoulder and looked at me confused.

"You have asthma and you're on the soccer team!!! That's not good for you!!!" I say and he sighs

"I know. But as long as I don't push myself too hard, it won't be that bad." He explains and I huff in frustration

"You idiot. You're damaging your health. You're lucky I chased after you." I say

"I guess this is what happens when you forget to do you nebulizer and then get into a really heated argument" he shrugs

"I knew you were stupid but damn that's beyond stupid. You should be taking care of yourself!! You might die!! Goddamit Reynolds." I say

"Don't tell anyone." He says sternly as he glares at me

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." I say and get up, dusting myself off. I glare and hit him in the back of his head.

"Make sure to do your nebulizer later and keep that inhaler with you everywhere you go." I say and walk away mumbling one last 'idiot'

As the day goes by, I couldn't help but think about Cole. If he did what I said or not. Fuck him. Why do I even care? He's an asshole who ruined my life.

But...he's an asshole who has a mask.

And after today I'm somewhat determined to see what's behind that mask.

Who the hell are you, Cole Reynolds.


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