Chapter 21

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*Heyyyyyy guys! I haven't put up a real chapter in a while so here I go!! It's going to be really really really short tho! Sorry!!😢😢 I don't have anything else to say soooo here's the next chapter!! Hope u like byeeeeeeee!!!!💗💗💋💋*

Jess's P.O.V......

I walk into school and couldn't wait to see Owen!  He told me he had something for me and I love getting things! I wonder what it is!?! We just started dating a couple of days a go so what would it be that he wants to give me!? I also wonder if it's something good or bad. Probly good! Right?!??

I go to my locker thinking he would be there.........but he wasn't! I get the things I need for my first class and shut my locker. Little did I know I would come face to face with a hideous creature! Also known as.......Hal or one of my best friend's boyfriend.

"Hey, Hal, what's up?" I ask as we walk to our first class that we have together. I wonder where DJ is? "Hey, Jess, I have a question" he says with a huge smile. "Ok, what is it!?" I ask. He looks at me for a second and says "Well one of my best friend's birthday is coming up and I was wondering what me and my girlfriend should get her!?".

I think for a second and soon realize he's talking about my birthday! It's in 10 days!

"HAL!! Are you and DJ trying to find out what I want for MY birthday??" I ask smirking.

If you can't tell yet Hal and I have kind of become best friends. He will never replace any of my girl friends but he's like my best guys friend!

"What are you talking about! Your birthday?! If it was your birthday I wouldn't get you anything because you already have the best gift in the world! ME!!" says Hal laghting. I punch him in the arm as hard as I can with books in my hand but fail as I drop all my things.

Hal and I bend down to get my stuff and when we do I properly hit his arm. Then he gives me my things. He's so sweet.

"I hope that's not what your getting DJ for her birthday too. That's such a horrible gift!!" I says laghting. He laghtes a little too then ignores what I said and answers my question for real this time.

"Yes, DJ and I are trying to get you something for your birthday. We want to get you something to cheer you up!" he says as we walk into the class room and sit in our seats.

"What are you talking about? Cheer me up???" I ask confused.
"Oh shit! He didn't tell you yet did he?!" says Hal. I start to get a little worried. "What are you talking about!?!?" I ask. "Jess I'm sorry I'm the one telling you this but Owen........."

*Sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger again but........I don't really have a reason! I just wanted to be mean😈😈. Hahaha!!😈😈😈 Tell me what you think Hal was about to say!! Don't forget to follow me and all that good stuff! Also till Jess's birthday at the top I will have a count down. I think that will be fun, yes no maybe so!! IDK! I don't have anything else to say sooooooooo byeeeeeee😁😁😁💗💗💋*

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