October 16'

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I don't know. I don't wanna start this month with a song either.

We didn't really talk during this month. I guess it was because of the exams almost overboard. But we talked one day and I remember that conversation.

You hadn't told me about something that had happened a couple of days ago, when you met Sonali.

I mean you did tell me you met her but you didn't tell me what you talked about. On that day of this month, you did.

Sonali said that she had told her, that we, meaning you and I have feelings for each other. And as far as I think, that's the reason she must have given Sonali for the break up.

"You haven't been thinking about this, have you?"

I asked out of concern.

"No, not at all."

"Can I ask you something then?"


"Do you think it's gonna make things weird between us?"

"Chill. I still think you are a drama queen."

You know what? I didn't say it at that time. You and I, we do have feelings for each other. But not the ones she was talking about. We do feel love for each other. It has disappointed some said people that it's a totally different form of love.

It's just that special bond, a brother and a sister share. It's weird how some people misunderstand this connection between us. But you know what? I don't care. I don't care what anyone else thinks of us. And I think neither do you, because we both know what we have.

You love me, and I love you and that's it, period. If one is unable to understand that, he/she is not even worth flipping off.

It's just some small memories that project right in front of eyes, reminding me of this connection.

The same day, I also remember asking about your answer linked with something I had typed and sent to you. No, I am not gonna show it here again.

I just remember what you told me.

"Saying you mean the world to me is awkward. But showing you it, by giving you the tightest bear hug I'm capable of, is more like me."

You do give the best hugs, there is no denying that.

Mine are comfy too okay? Huh.

And I love you too okay? Okay.






God, what a loser. 

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