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That night after dinner, when Chorong was busy in the kitchen cleaning up with Namjoo, Haneul came and ask Chorong "Mommy, grandpa is taking me for a walk. Can I go?"

Chorong smile and said "Yes you may go Haneul. Make sure you wear your coat and beanie okay."

Haneul nod his head and said "Okay. Thank you mommy." Then went back in his room to wear his coat and beanie. When he try to find his beanie, he couldn't find it so he shout asking Chorong.

"Mommy, I can't find my beanie."

"It's in the usual drawer honey. Try to find it in there."

"I try to find it but is not there mommy."

"Haneul find it properly. It's there this morning. I know you didn't try to find it. Please don't be like your daddy. It's there honey. If I find it, you know what will happen isn't it."

Suho just smile when he heard Chorong said to Haneul that don't be like him.

"No dessert for a week. Okay mommy, I'll try to find it."

Namjoo is right. He is just like me. Then Suho walk in Haneul room and ask "Can daddy help you?"

"Yes daddy. I can't find my beanie. Mommy always put in this drawer but I can't find it. Help me daddy."

Suho smile and nod and went where Haneul was sitting and try to find Haneul beanie. Just then he find one and show it to Haneul. Haneul take it and said "Thank you daddy. If not mommy will be very angry." Suho just smile and wear the beanie on Haneul head. Haneul thank him and kiss his cheek. Suho kiss his cheek back and walk out the room together holding hand. Chorong look at them and smile. She never saw Haneul this happy before. When Mr. Kim and Haneul walk out the apartment, Namjoo said to Chorong "Unnie, I'll be going out for awhile. I need to meet someone."

Chorong freak out and whisper "Namjoo, don't. Tell him to meet tomorrow. Don't leave me alone in the house with your oppa. Please."

"Sorry, unnie. His already here. I can't cancel it." Namjoo said. And walk away.

"Yah! Kim Namjoo. How could you. I hate you." Chorong shout watching Namjoo walk away.

Namjoo shout saying "I'm sorry unnie." And went away. The truth is, it was all plan by Mr. Kim and Namjoo. Namjoo was going to join Mr. Kim and Haneul for a walk.

Chorong who was in the kitchen just stay there without saying anything. He was so mad at Namjoo right now. Suho know Chorong didn't like the idea of staying just both of them together. So he let Chorong be in the kitchen and walk in the Chorong's room to take a shower. Chorong cool herself down and walk out the kitchen straight to her room without realizing that Suho was in the room. When she open the door, Suho was not wearing any shirt and he was only wearing his sweatpants. Chorong widen her eyes, blush and turn around immediately and apologize. Suho saw the uncomfortable on Chorong's face and try not to laugh. He walk near, pull Chorong's arm from walking out and whisper in her ears "Why are you blushing and avoiding Chorong. You saw more than just this. If not Haneul won't be here."

Chorong widen her eyes bigger and blush more. Her face was like a tomatoes. Suho saw that and grin. He wrap Chorong's waist from behind with his arm and pull her closer. Chorong startle with Suho's act.

"I love you Chorong. I always have love you. I won't let you go this time. I miss you so much and I miss every inch of you." Suho said huskily and kiss her shoulder then nuzzle his nose on Chorong's neck. Chorong heart was beating fast. Very fast in fact. Chorong try to control herself but she couldn't anymore. Her head told her to control but her heart said don't and just hug him. Tears start to fall. She turn around and hug him tightly and said in her tears "I miss you to Suho. I miss you so much. I'm sorry I leave you without telling you and when you need me the most. I'm sorry I make you suffer. I'm sorry I hurt you so much. I love you to Suho. I love you so much. Don't leave me and don't hate me."

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