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When they arrive home, Haneul ran to Chorong and Suho and hug Chorong's leg and beam his face. Chorong smile, kneel down and hug him.

"Hi my little prince. How was your day?"

"It was fine. I go to daddy office and it's so big. I play with grandpa too."

"Really. Good to know that. So did you behave?"

"Yes I did. Ask daddy. I was a good boy."

"Of course you were." Suho said ruffle hair.

"Good boy. Now let mommy go and change and we can cook for dinner."

Haneul nod his head, walk back his grandpa, and continue playing with his toys. Chorong and Suho say hi to Mr. Kim and walk upstairs. Before the was able to walk up that stairs, Mr. Kim stop them and said "Guys, I need to ask you something."

Chorong and Suho frown and chorong ask "What is it dad?"

"Did something happen to Haneul?"

Suho and Chorong shook their hand. then Suho ask "Why are you asking dad?"

"Okay, just don't panic. This evening, Haneul fall asleep in my office after yo left. In his sleep, he was crying and saying that mommy don't leave him. Mommy, it hurt. and he keep on repeating the same thing. that's why I ask."

"I'm not sure dad. Everything was fine this morning. We'll ask him later."

"Okay. Please do. No go and take a bath."

They no and continue walking up to shower and change. The moment they enter the room, Chorong lie down on the bed and start stretching. Suho just smile looking her. He know that today was a busy day for her and now ad on with what happen to Haneul.

He walk near her and planted a soft kiss in her forehead. Chorong open her eyes and give him a small smile.

"Go on and take a shower. You need to freshen up. Do you sure you want to cook? You look so tired." Suho ask.

Chorong change her position from lying to sit down. She nod and said "Yes. You know how I love to cook. Anyway, I won't feel tired after I take a shower."

"Are you really sure? I can just call a Chinese restaurant and deliver food. Dad will understand."

"I'm really am fine. So don't worry." Chorong smile.

He cupped Chorong face and said "Why don't you just stop working and be a housewife like you use to be. You know I don't like the idea of you working."

Chorong sigh and said "Suho, please. Do not start. Let me just work first. No one know yet that your my husband. Even your uncle. The only one know about this is Changsub and Irene."

"Why? Aren't you supposed to be happy that you have a rich and multimillionaire husband?"

"Of course I am happy. but I'm comfortable right now with my position and no one knows who I am. Once they know they will treat me differently and girls will hate me. Let me correct you something. It's not rich and multimillionaire husband but its possessive rich and multimillionaire husband."

"Okay fine. It's up to you. but I can't take it longer. I want you to be at home and take care of our children."


"Yes. I want more. I'm happy with Haneul. But Haneul need a baby sister or brother to."


"What? I'm telling the truth. We can start now if you want it."

Chorong smile and shook her head. She move from Suho and stand up. The she went to the shower to take a long and cold shower. Before Chorong walk in the bathroom, Suho call her and said "Chorog, don't worry to much. Haneul will be fine. I promise."

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