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Suho was wake by the scent of Chorong. When he open his eyes and was greeted by Chorong's beautiful neck. He smile and kiss her neck make Chorong move and turn her face looking at him still sleeping. Suho move up a bit so that his face was as the same level as Chorong's. He moves the hair that's blocking her face and kiss her forehead. When Chorong felt someone kissing her again on the fore head, she open her eyes and saw Suho's face smiling at her. He smile back and said "Good morning husband. You wake up early."

"Good morning wife. I just woke up. So what should we do today?"

"Why don't you go and take shower first, I tidy up the bed and wash all our clothes from our honeymoon and prepare breakfast for you. and I plan to unpack my things today. Then at night, I was thinking why we don't ask Namjoo and your friends for dinner. We can have BBQ at the terrace. How's that?"

"Sound like a good idea. Okay then. I'll go and take shower." Suho kiss Chorong's lips and stand up then walk straight to the bathroom. But Chorong stop him because she wanted to brush her teeth first.

Chorong stretch and then stand up and tie her hair up. After brushing her teeth, she tidy up the bed and walk down with her and Suho's dirty clothes and start to find the laundry room. When she found it, she was start to sorting clothes by type and put inside the washing machine and let the robot wash it.

Then she walk to the kitchen and first thing she do is open the fridge to find something to cook. The only thing she can find is eggs, sausage patties, hash browns and bacon. It take some time for Chorong to think what to cook. At last, she take out four eggs, sausage patties and hash browns. She found the pan and then start to fry the foods and place the bread on the toaster and boiled the water. While she was cooking, Suho came and kiss her cheek and lean at the island eating the hash brown that been cook and ask "So what is for breakfast?"

"I taught of cooking Korean food but I only can find this in the fridge. I can't even find kimchi in the fridge. I'll understand since you been studying almost five years in England."

"Sorry. What do you expect? I was a single man staying alone. I'll just cook if I want to and what easy for me. Since I have you now, we can go and buy something later and things for tonight."


When the breakfast was done, Chorong serve the breakfast at the island and told Suho to eat first. She make some coffee for both of them. Then both of them eat the breakfast together. After that, Chorong went up to take a shower.

Then in the afternoon after their lunch, Suho help Chorong unpack her things. The Suho ask "That's all. This is the only clothes you have?" they are still in their walking wardrobe

Chorong look at Suho and nod "Yes. Why?"

"Is just that is weird. Mom have a lot of clothes until half of the wardrobe is full only with her clothes. Dad need to make a renovation to make another walking wardrobe for him. And the wardrobe is still smaller than mom's."

Chorong smile and said "Well honey you need to remember that I need so many things to take care off. My rent, food on the table, lunch with friends and I can go on. It's good that I don't know how to drive and have any car. So paying for that is more important for me then buying clothes. Understand."

Suho smile and said "Yes, but now you don't have to think about that anymore. I am here to take care of that now. Next time we can go for shopping and by lots of dress, shoes and handbags for you."

"I don't need that. I'm happy with what I have now."

"We still going to. End of the discussion. And what is that in your other bag." Suho ask pointing at the bag that's unopened.

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