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Ding! Dong!

Irene open the door and saw Chorong was drench. Irene widen her eyes and move aside for Chorong to walk in. When she was in the house, Irene ask "What happen to you, Chorong?"

Chorong broke down and hug her. Irene hug her tightly and try to cool her down by rubbing her back up and down. Chorong was crying in Irene hug.

"Hey! Why are you crying like this Chorong? What really happen girl?"

Chorong didn't say anything and continue crying. When she cool down, Irene told her to take a hot shower and change if not she'll get sick. Chorong just nod and walk in her room.

When Chorong was taking her shower, someone call Irene. Irene answers it.

"Yes Changsub. What is it?"

"Did Chorong arrive home?" Changsub ask in worry voice.

"Yes she did. She was drench and crying. What really happen Changsub?"

"I don't know. Suddenly, she ran away. If she's home then its fine then. Thank you Irene. One more think can you just stay and accompany her today. If anything happen, call me."

"Sure. I don't mind. Okay then. Bye." Then she hang up. She walk to Haneul and said.

"Hey prince, it time for you to sleep."

"But aunty peach, I want to play." Haneul said.

"I know. But you say that you have to go somewhere tomorrow isn't it. So you need to sleep now."

"Okay. Let me say goodnight to mommy first."

Irene smile and nod her head. She walk to Chorong's room and knock the door. When Chorong open it, she smiles looking at Haneul.

"Good night mommy. I'm going to sleep now. You promise me to bring me to grandpapa's house."

"Good boy. Well, do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

Haneul nod excitedly and said, "Yes. I love to, mommy." He ran into the room and lay down in the middle of the bed. Chorong smile. She told Irene to wait for her and she'll be there in just a moment. Irene nod and walk away. Chorong lie down on Haneul side and hug him until he fall asleep. When he falls asleep, she gives a kiss on Haneul head and walk to the living room where Irene was. She takes a sit beside Irene and takes the coffee Irene give to her.

"So what happen Chorong? Why were you crying and drench when you arrive?"

Chorong take a sip from her coffee with her eyes close. Irene looks at her and let it be. "If you don't want to tell me I don't care. Take your time. I will not push you. But remember one thing. I told you this before; I'm going to tell you again. I will always be there for you."

Chorong smile and nod. Then she asks, "Aren't you going to go home?"

"Nope. Changsub told me to stay here with you."

"Forget about it babe. Go home. Anyway I'll be going early tomorrow."

"No. Not going to happen. Changsub will kill me."

"Don't worry. I'll tell him. Go home Irene. Please."

"Okay fine. If Changsub scold me, I'll kill you."

"Don't worry. Now my son's aunty peach, go home."

Irene smile, stand up, say bye and went home. After Irene walk away, she wash the mug and walk back in her room looking at Haneul. Tears start to fall.

"Haneul ah, what should mommy do? Your daddy is getting married again. Means he was able to forget about me. Your granny must be happy. At last, her dream come true. I'm sorry Haneul if you will never see your daddy. But I make sure you'll be happy." Chorong said to her son as if he can hear it. She wipes her tears and kiss Haneul head. Then she lie down beside Haneul, hug him and fall asleep.

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