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In the morning, Chorong wake up and felt sore all over her body when she stretch. She open her eyes and saw Suho's handsome face. She caressed his face and smile. Suho open his eyes and said "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning handsome."

Suho who was sleeping on his stomach turn to his side to face Chorong and peck her lips.

"How are you feeling?" Suho ask, playing with her hair strand.

"Okay. Just a little sore." Chorong admit and blush.

Suho smile and said "I'm sorry. Anyway I had the best night after four years. I miss you a lot."

Chorong blush and hit Suho's chest. Suho giggle. "I love you Chorong."

"I love you to Suho." Suho kiss passionately her and move on top her. Chorong break the kiss and said "We need to get ready to work."

"But I want to continue what we left last night." Suho said huskily and start kissing Chorong again on her neck and shoulder. Chorong let out a soft moan. Then she try stop Suho again.

Chorong said while Suho was still kissing her "Suho please. I need to get..uhm" Chorong stop and moan. "Suho please stop. I need to prepare breakfast and get ready. Didn't you get enough."

"I never get enough of you baby. Okay I'll let you go. But call me by my sweet name like you use to." And continue kissing her. he move to other neck and start kissing there.

"Honey please." Suho stop and look at her. He caressed Chorong cheek and kiss her lips before layback on the bed. Chorong pull the sheet and cover herself with it and walk to the bathroom. Suho saw that and said "I saw everything last night baby." Chorong turn around and said "Shut up." And disappear into the toilet.

After the shower, she walk out wrapping herself in white fluffy towel and wear her office attire. She slide on her slim-fit textured gray straight leg slack and tug in her white printed blouse. When she was done, she wake Suho up who was sleeping. Suho rub his face and stretch his body. He stand up, kiss Chorong temple and walk to the bathroom. Chorong walk out the room and saw Haneul was ready. She smile and ask "Who get your ready my prince?"

"Grandpa and aunty sunshine." Chorong smile and kiss his head.

"Did you have fun yesterday with your grandpa, aunty and uncle." Chorong ask.

"Yes I did. I eat a lot of delicious food. Uncle even bought me ice cream."

Chorong just smile listening to Haneul story. She busy herself preparing a simple breakfast. After having breakfast, they all went to their office. Suho and Chorong drop Haneul first before Suho drop Chorong to her office. And their days starts.


Two and Half Week Later

It's been a week and Mr. Kim and Namjoo is still staying at Chorong's house. Suho try to convince Chorong to move back to their penthouse but Chorong still saying no. That night, after dinner, Mr. Kim and Suho was playing with Haneul while Namjoo is helping Chorong preparing dessert for them. When they were sitting at the living room, enjoying the dessert, Chorong ask "Dad, I'm just asking. Don't feel bad about this but aren't you going to go home and reconcile with mom."

"Nope." Mr. Kim answer popping the 'p'.

Chorong sigh and said "Come on dad. It's been more than a week. I don't mind you and Namjoo staying her, but what will mom say."

"I don't care. You mom need a punishment and I need to teach her a lesson. She shouldn't play with people life."

"But It wasn't totally mom's fault. She was just following what Hyo Rim told her."

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