Chapter 40

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"Do you want to know why I hate my family? Do you know why I resent  them too much? Do you know why I just want to elope with you than tell them about us?" Andy shakes his head. I take a deep breath. "I think its time for you to know about my past now. So well my relationship with my family weren't very good even before when I was a child. My dad cheated on my mom. I found out that he has another woman with him. I was devastated. And I'm guessing the woman we saw last time was her. So my sisters hated my dad. But I didn't. I love my dad. I love my family both equally. But my sisters resent me cause I took dad's side. Well of course he did wrong. But I guess he deserve another chance. But in the end we all hated each other. We resent each other. My life there was like everyday theres a new problem came. So my life weren't so peaceful there. I said this to myself everyday. I promise when I grow up i'll get out if this place. Earn a great job. And great salary thats enough to raise myself. Having no more chaos.I said that everyday. Then I got it. I study hard. Got a great job. And a great life. But after you came its even more better. So I just want to leave my past behind. Not bother to remember it. That's why. Okay?"

Andy and me were just silent. I keep eating. But suddenly my tears fell. I put my head in my hands. Crying uncontrollably. And then Andy hugs me. "Shhh baby. Its okay. I'm sorry I brought it up. Its okay baby girl. I'm here." He strokes my back. "We both have a crappy day huh?" Andy and me laughs. We both hug each other. I sniffled. "But baby. You should really tell your family about us getting married though. You're gonna regret if you don't." I sniffled and and I just put my head back into Andy's embrace. I don't even want to think about this.

So I force myself to kiss Andy. Cause a kiss can only  make me feel better. Andy feel surprised. But he just  continue on kissing me. I could feel his trying to pull my chest closer and closer. And I pull his head closer to mine. I can feel our tongues playing with each other. The night is closing in on us. I can't wait for my brand new life with Andy when we get married.

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