Chapter 23

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Its already 9pm. Rieul went home early. Cause she has to go pick up her daughter at the daycare. I pack up my things. And lock up the office. As I walk to the car. I saw Zach waiting for me in front of his car. I walked past him. "Hey. Where are you going? Let's get dinner." Oh gosh. Trying to win me back now huh?  "No thanks. Andy cooked for me. Bye." Zach holds my arm. Oh no. Not again. "Would you please let go of my hand? You cant just touch me. Do you want me to report you to the police for assault?" He let go. "I just want to bring you to dinner. I made a reservation for us." I raised my voice. "A no is a no. I don't want to have a  dinner with you. Go have dinner with your family." "With my granduncle?" "No! With the hobos! Now go away." I walk into my car and start the engine and starts driving. Fuck. I hate him so much. So much.

"I'm home." No one answered. As I entered the kitchen there's already food waiting for me. And a note.

*Hey baby. I made you some food. I'll be back home quite late today because we have rehearsals. Don't wait for me. Go to sleep early okay? I love you. I'll see you in the morning.*

Aw. Andy's not here? Damn. I was so excited to tell him about Zach. Looks like it'll have to wait. He's busy anyway. I heat up the food Andy made me. Its a chicken risotto. While the food heats up in the oven. I got myself a nice hot shower. And I think about what happen today. Oh my god. I can't believe I'll be working with Zach. His granduncle is Dr.Han. a famous professor. And he just using him to get him a job. What a suckball. Fuck. Sheeeet. I hate him. After showering, I wore a short pants and a sleeveless shirt for my sleep wear. And then I eat the chicken risotto while watching Grey's Anatomy. Damn. I cant get enough of McDreamy and McSteamy. They're so hot. I smile while watching the TV show.

After that,I went to study about the case. Which I spent about 3 hours thinking and shit. And its already 1:30am and Andy's not here. Hmmm. Poor him. Its my turn to return the favor. I'll make him something yummy in the morning. So I pack up my things for tomorrow and iron my worksuit. Its best to do it early. So you don't have to think about it in the morning. After im done. I drank a glass of water and brush my teeth and face. Its a part of my routine before sleeping. I went to bed exactly at 2 am.

Footsteps woken me up from my sleep. I rise up from my bed and went outside my bedroom. I saw Andy whose drinking a bottle of soju. He's startled by my appearance. "Did I awake you? I'm sorry Ai. I just got back. And I was craving for soju." I shake my head. "Jeez. Stop drinking soju! Why are you so addicted!? Okay that's it. This will be the last soju you'll ever had. Enjoy every last of it. Cause if you drink one again. You're dead. Jeez." I look at the clock on the wall. I gasp. "And its 3:00am! Oh my god." I look at Andy whose frozen in his seat. "As a punishment,you cant sleep with me tonight. Bye." I shut the door and continue to sleep. Jeez. Hes really addicted. He needs to stop!

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