Chapter 20

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After eating,I start to study the case that Dr.Han gave me. Andy's watching TV outside while I'm in my bedroom. I go outside to get a glass of water. And Andy's engrossed with walking dead. Hehehee. I recommend him too watch it. Now he's immersed in it. I laugh when I drank the water. He looks at me. "Why are you laughing? I shake my head. "Its just that you're too immersed with the walking dead. Its funny. By the way. Are you gonna crash in here tonight?" Andy thinks for a while. "Is it okay for you?" "Yeah. Its fine. You can sleep in the guest room. Well I have work to do. Don't stay up too late okay? If you need anything else. Knock my room okay?" Andy smiles and nods. I just love how he's here. I feel safe whenever I'm around him. I'm kinda happy when he's here.

So I continue doing my work. Heck. Dr.Han gave me such a hard task. This patient didn't even showed any improvement with the treatment he received for about a year ago. I wonder whats the cause. He should have just a tiny improvement. But no. This is different. 'This patient doesn't have any past improvement since the treatment started last year on 24th of August 2015. Dr.Annika gave him prescribing pills and therapy but none of the treatment worked.' Reviewed by Dr Han'. She's missing something. If not the treatment,if not the prescribing pills. There must be something else. But. I checked through his personality. It seems like he didn't let anything get past him. He's blocking it. He's blocking everything that's trying to change him from what he is. Is that it? Its relate with his mental condition. Looks like I have to go see this kid. Hes an interesting boy.

Knock knock~

"Come in." Andy walks in. "Yeah?" He looks at me and curl his lip. "Can I sleep with you?" I raised my eyebrows. "No! No! Its not what you think. Its just that. I feel like sleeping with you. Just sleep together." Awh. He's adorable. How can I say I no to do that. "Well. Okay. But I might sleep late tonight. So go ahead and sleep first. I'll be in bed soon. And I won't switch off the lights for a while since I have work to do." Andy looks at me. "But honey. Its 1 am already. Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I look at my wall clock. Oh what the fuck. I thought it was still 11 o clock. Fuck I spend 3 hours on this case? Wow. I'm proud as fuck. "Well. Okay. I guess we should be sleeping then. Well. I'll wrap up. Set the bed for us to sleep. I want to go have a glass of water before I sleep." Andy nods it out and I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water. Wow. Its the first time we'll be sleeping together. Well. Not making love or anything. Just sleep together. Ha. Im sleeping with an idolI drink my water and went back to my room. I saw Andy already laying down on my bed. He is so adorable. "Are you ready for bed?" I nod. I lay beside him and switch off the light.

Its A Chaos!(SHINHWA FANFIC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant