Chapter 38

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I plan to eat dinner at a sushi place after work. Zach wanted to join in. But I said I wanted to eat alone. Aish. I just want to be alone for some time after yesterday. Andy said he loves me. But does he? I feel like I'm his second choice. Which really hurts my feelings. Well I should leave him be.

I arrived at Sushi King that's near my house. I wanted to eat here but it seems like there's too many people. So I'll just take away the food. So i waited at the waiting seats beside a bar. And there it is. Why the fuck did I came here. Out of all places, really choose this fucking restaurant just to meet her. I saw Andy and a lady at the bar. This restaurant has a bar beside of it but its separated with the restaurant. They were talking more like arguing. It seems like that Madeline was really desperate for Andy. Hmmm. I feel worried. After that Andy gets up and shouts. "YOUR MISTAKE COMING BACK TO ME WILL CAUSE ME TO LOSE MY FIANCÉ, MADELINE. I DONT WANT YOU ANYMORE. And listen. If you come near my office again. I'll call the police. Do you hear me?" After Andy turns around. I cover my face hoping that he didn't recognize me. Then he walks away. The lady wiped her tears and gets up to go to him. I take the food the ordered and quickly goes outside. She was hugging Andy's back. I could hear her saying "I'm sorry for what I've done. I really am Andy. I'm sorry for cheating you. And it was the biggest mistake I've ever done. Im sorry. Have you forgotten our memories together? The fun relationship we had?" Then Andy replies. "How could I ever forget Madeline? How? I remember every single fucking memories of us. And it hurts me. But thank god. A girl came into my life. Changed me. Make me happy. She's the one that I really need right now. I don't need you anymore. I never did. We're over Madeline. This action of yours will cause me to lose my fiancé. We're getting married soon. So please forget about me." He lets go of her grip and walk away. I'm proud of him. He choose me. Aww.

I went home. Andy was already at home. He was crying. Well to let go of Madeline seems hard for him. I hugged him. "Did you regret of your decision about picking me?" He sniffled. "How did you know?" I smiled. "I saw it. I saw the argument. I was buying my dinner that time. So did you regret your decision?" He laughs and then sniffles. "Hell no!" I laugh. "Then why are you crying?" He just hugs me. "I know its hard sweetie. Himne. Arasso?" He sniffles. "We're meeting my family this Saturday. Its time to introduce you to the family." I wanted to protest. But. "Haih. Mengaku kalah sahajalah." I sigh. Andy looks surprised. "What does that mean?" I laugh. "It means i'll just give up on protesting. My Malay friends back at Malaysia always say that when they are in an argument. If they argue they'll give up. Cause they said its a waste of times dealing with hoes and boes. Haahhahahaahahahaha." Andy nods and say ahhhh. "What does I love you in Malay means?" I reply. "Saya sayang awak." And then Andy tries to say it. But its funny cause he has a bad pronunciation. "Okay. I want to eat."

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