Chapter 19

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Finally Thursday's work has come to an end! I'm so so so so so tired. The patients that I see today...was quite..loaquacious. They cut me every time I'm trying to explain things..but its a part in understanding such a person. Well,time for me to go home. I wonder if Andy is still there though. I doubt it. He seemed pissed off. I switch off the lights and lock my office door and I walk straight to the car and drive home.

I received a call from Lara. Lara is my friend from London that goes to Seoul University with me. We've met each other in Korean Language class. Since we're both still new here. But basically. She went back to London because her mom doesn't like her staying here.

Lara:Hey Ai. Long no time no talking to you. How are you? Is it going well there?
AI:Hey Lara! Yeah. I got a stable job here and everything's undercontrol..sort..of..
Lara:What do you mean by sort of. I thought you're the type who would have things under control. Tell me you didn't do anything stupid there?
AI:Aw. You know me quite well. No. Recently I went to a blind date. And I got myself a guy. But I don't know..its kinda complicated.
Lara:You got yourself a boyfriend?!
AI:Yes Lara. I have a boyfriend. But that's not the point right now. Why are you calling me?
Lara:Oh yes. I'll be going to Korea soon just for a trip. And I thought since you have a house. You would let me stay for a while?
AI:There's no need to ask for that. Yes you can come! You're welcome to my house anytime. When are you coming?
Lara:In another 2 weeks. I'll be bringing my  little twin brothers with me. Is that okay?
AI:Yes. Okay Lara. Tell me when you're here okay?
Lara:Okay. Thanks a bunch Ai!

Well that's that. Lara's coming. The twins just turned 3 years old. Of course she would want to bring them for a trip. I arrived at my appartment. When I open the door. I smell something delicious. Very sweet. I smell stew. I smell chicken. I smell gimbap too. Andy is cooking in the kitchen. He looks at me and smile. "Welcome home Ai.." I stand in front of the counter where he's cooking. "Well. I thought you went home. You seemed so angry with me." "Basically because you can't cook. And i don't want you to get hungry after you came home from work. So I brought groceries at noon. And I start to cook about 2 hours ago." I gasp looking at the food on the food table. "Why do you cook so much? I live alone you know!" "I know. But probably you don't want me here anymore. So I cooked a lot so you would have some leftovers that you can eat the next day. All you have to do is to heat them up. Andy puts the cooked salad on the plate. "And done. Well enjoy. I'll go home now." Andy walks past me to get his stuff. I hold his hand. "Don't go. Please. I don't want to be alone tonight. Stay with me." I look at him with full puppy eyes. He smiles and put his coat down.

We both sit at the dinner table and eat. There was a long silence until I can't take it anymore. "About the marriage thing. I'll think about it after we get to know more of each other. We just met about 1 week ago. Its kinda soon. That's why I said all those  things about I don't want to get married. But half of it true so. Because. I can't spend time with you so much. My work is overloading. And you know I have a lot of patients. And no  Andy you're not a patient to me. You're my love and I love you so much. But a marriage is too soon don't you think?" Andy looks at me and smile. But thats a fake smile tho. He just nods it out. "I know you're sad. We just started. Let's get to know each other okay? I smile and blink my eyes so many times to add in sparkly cuteness. He laughs. Aww adorable. "Okay okay. So we're official now?" I nod. Andy smiles. I think it will work out.

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