It Will All Be Okay

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"Mom!" Luke comes into our room at the same time Brad walks out the bathroom.

I quickly close the laptop and look up. "What's up?"

"Lewis wants you, he's shouting on you." He says, I follow him out and I go into Lewis' room.

I get him to go back to sleep and then walk back into our room where I see Brad on the laptop.

He looks up when he notices I'm in the room, "Seriously Jen?" He turns the laptop around. "You're googling Logan?"

I sigh and get into bed beside him. "I wanted to see if I could find out anything about him."

"Jen, we shouldn't be googling him!" Brad says.

"Brad, he's dating our daughter much to our dismay, God only knows what he's done, we have the right to know!" I defend myself.

He thinks for a few seconds. "Did you find out anything?"

I shake my head. "No, I had just typed his name when Luke came in."

Brad clicks search and we watch as the results come up.

'Logan Smith, age 16, arrested for theft.'

"Click on that one. I think that's him." I point to the title.

Brad clicks into it. "That's him."

We see the picture of him and I immediately get a weird feeling in my stomach. "I knew he was trouble but I never imagined that he'd been arrested."

"I can't believe we are letting Arianna date him. Our daughter is going out with a criminal!" Brad starts to sound angry.

I ignore what Brad said and think for a few seconds before yelling "Luke! Can you come here please?"

Brad looks at me. "What are you doing?"

"I want to know if Luke knows anything about him."

The door opens and Luke comes in. "Am I in trouble? What's up?"

I shake my head. "No, you're not in trouble. I need to ask you something." He looks at me to continue. "What do you know about Logan Smith?"

"I know he's been arrested."

"Yeah we know that too. Any ideas as to why he was arrested?" I ask.

"He broke into the school and stole some supplies."

"And he was still allowed back? How did that happen?" Brad asks.

Luke shrugs. "I dunno. He also spray painted a penis on the side of the building."

I can hear Brad laugh a little behind me, I turn around and glare at him. "You seriously think this is funny?! Your daughter is dating this boy! And you're laughing!"

"Jen calm down, I was only laughing-"

I immediately cut him off. "No I will not calm down! God knows what trouble he's going to get my daughter in! Arianna is a good, smart young girl with a bright future and he's the total opposite! He's going to ruin her Brad!"

I break down in tears and Brad pulls me closer, he motions for Luke to go out and waits until the door is closed. "Jen, it's all going to be okay. As you said, Arianna is smart, she's going to come to her senses soon enough."

"But what if she doesn't?" I sob. "What happens then?"

"Don't think about that, just think what you're going to do to comfort her when this all comes crashing down."

I cry harder and Brad looks as if he's thinking of a way to try and comfort me.

"Remember when Ari was little and if you were sad she's do everything to try and make you happy?" He asks me.

I nod my head.

He laughs a little before talking. "She used to dance in front of you, sing songs and hug you until you felt better. She was a little performer."

As he says all this, I think about when she was little and it makes me feel worse and I cry even more. She was such a sweet little girl. Where did I go wrong?

"Jen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you more upset." He hugs me again.

I shake my head. "No, no. It's fine, it's not your fault."

"And it's not yours either." Brad says as if he read my mind.

"But it is Brad! I must've done something so wrong for this to happen. It's my fault and I know it! I'm a terrible mother, I don't deserve the kids that I've got!"

"Jen!" Brad says sternly. "Stop thinking that! You've done absolutely nothing wrong! You're not Arianna's only parent, neither of us have done anything wrong, it's just the age she's at. Arianna thinks she knows better than us."

"How do you know I've not done anything wrong?" I ask him.

He sighs. "Look at Lucas, for example. He's fine. He's good. You have raised him the same way you have raised Arianna. That's proof you haven't done anything wrong when it comes to parenting."

I realise he's right. "I'm sorry I'm being like this just now."

"Hey, don't be sorry. I totally understand why you're upset. I promise that everything is going to be okay, you just have to trust me." He says.

I nod. "I love you, Brad."

"I love you so much more." He kisses my head and lays us both down on the bed to go to sleep.

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