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*Brad's POV*

"B in history?" I ask Ari. "I thought you were on track for an A?"

She sighs. "Sorry dad, it was a hard test."

"Did you study for it?" I ask her.

"I studied for ages, you know I did!"

"Brad," I hear Jen say, I look behind me and she's holding Lewis, glaring at me. "Can I have a word with you?"

"Sure." I say.

"Ari, can you watch Lewis for a minute please." She hands Ari Lewis and I follow her into the kitchen.

"Brad, why are you putting so much pressure on her? Can't you see what you're doing to her?" She asks me.

"What do you mean? I'm not putting pressure on her." I say back.

"Brad, all you've been talking about the past few weeks is school and grades, you're telling her she needs to get A's in every subject!"

"I have not told her that! Schools important, she should do well."

"Well that's what you're implying!" Jen raises her voice. "I know schools important Brad but it's also very hard. Ari is going to do well in school, she's smart, she just doesn't need you pressuring her. She's already finding it hard without you on her back."

"She hasn't told me anything about finding school hard. I want her to study so that she gets the best grade possible and will be able to do something great with her life. I don't want her to fail and end up in a miserable job!"

"Brad, don't you want her to be happy? As long as she's trying her best and she's happy, it shouldn't matter what grades she gets. It's not fair if you put pressure on her and it makes her unhappy!"

I think for a moment about what Jen said. "Should I talk to her?"

"I think that'll be good." Jen says. "And please Brad, stop pressuring her and just let her be."

I take her advice and go back to the living room. "Ari, do you wanna go get some ice cream."

She looks over at Jen and then back at me. "Yeah."

We both get into the car and it's pretty silent until we reach the ice cream parlour.

"So, what's wrong? Why are we here?" She asks me.

"What? Can I not spend time with my oldest daughter?" I ask her.

"Well, mom spoke to you and now we're here. What's happened?" She asks.

I sigh. "Your mom told me you're finding school hard, is that true?"

She looks away and nods. "Kinda."

"Why haven't you spoke to me about this before?" I ask her.

She looks up at me. "Because you're always telling me I need to get A's and pressuring me and it's just not fair. School is so hard and I'm trying my best."

"Oh, Ari." I sigh. "I'm really sorry if you think I'm pressuring you. I don't mean to be like that, I just want you to get the very best out of school."

"I know you do dad but I'm trying my best." She says.

I lean over and take her hand. "All your mom and I or anyone else can ask of you is to do your best."

She squeezes my hand. "Thanks dad."

"So, what's been going on?" I ask her, knowing that she's speaking to a new boy.

"Nothing, really." She says back.

"How's Reece?" I smirk.

Her eyes go wide. "You know?!"

I laugh. "Of course I know, your mom can't keep a secret from me."

She rolls her eyes. "That's the last thing I'll be telling her."

"As long as you're happy and he's a good guy, I don't mind." I laugh.

She smiles at me. "I think I really like him. I mean I know I liked it when he kissed me last we..."

Her eyes grow wide after she realises what she said. "Oh my god, that's not something I should be telling you!"

I laugh uncomfortably. "That's not something I really want to be hearing. Maybe you could talk to your mom about that instead of me."

We drive back home and go into the house where we see Bri chasing Luke around the house and he's carrying Lewis.

"What's happening here?" I ask, looking around for Jen.

"Mom fell asleep, Lewis started to cry and Bri thought it would be funny to chase me." Luke answers.

I take lewis from him and bend down to Bri's level. "Go wake mommy."

She smiles and runs into the living room. "Mommy! Mommy! Get up!"

I hear Jen say something to Bri and then I hear Bri squeal.

"Thanks for that." Jen says, walking into the kitchen with Bri over her shoulder. She looks between Ari and I. "Everything okay now?"

Ari smiles at me. "Everything's fine."

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