Telling Everyone

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*Jen's POV*
"Brad!" I call from the kitchen.

All the sudden, I hear footsteps running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What's up?" He asks walking up behind me.

"You like it?" I ask him and smile looking down at the cake that I just made.

"It's perfect honey!" Brad says and smiles down at me.

I made a cake that says "little bro or sis" with my due date at the bottom. On one side it has little plastic blocks that spell out baby and pacifiers on the other.

"You think they are going to be excited?" I ask Brad, referring to the kids who are currently with their grandparents.

"Definitely." He says and smiles.

"Well I'm going to wrap this up and put it in the fridge. " I say.

"Sounds good. My parents should be here soon with the kids." Brad says.

"Okay. I think my dad, mom, and Sherry should be here soon too." I say.

"I'm going to finish cleaning up." Brad says.

"Okay." I say as I finish wrapping up the cake and put it in the fridge.

As I wait for our family to arrive, I imagine the kids responses. I know that Bri is going to be excited and Luke probably will be too. I just hope that Ari doesn't react the same way she did when she found out about Bri.

I get snapped out of my thinking when I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly get up and follow Brad to the door.

"Hey mommy!" I hear Bri yell when I open the door.

"Hey sweetie!" I say as I pick her up hug her tightly. But right after I'm done hugging her Brad takes her. He's already starting his 'that's too heavy for a pregnant woman' phase.

"Hi Jane!" I say and hug her.

"Hi! How are you?" She asks as she hugs me back.

"Great!" I smile.

"Hi Jennifer!" William calls.

"Hi! How are you?" I ask.

"Good!" I say and smile.

I say hi to the kids and ask them how their time was with their grandparents and then they all run upstairs to unpack their stuff.

Just as they get to their rooms, my mom, Sherry, and dad show up. I'm happy that they can all get along.

I greet them at the door and then they all sit on the couch and greet the others.

"So what is this surprise Jen?" My dad asks.

"You have to wait for the kids." I laugh.

"Come on! Can't you just tell us now!?The kids won't know." My mom asks.

"Nope." I say not budging even though I just want to burst out and tell everyone right now.

The kids finally come down right before I was about to spill the secret to everyone before I was supposed to.

"Okay the kids are down. Can we know now?" William laughs.

"Yeah we want to know!" Luke yells impatiently which makes me laugh.

"Yes. come to the kitchen." I say.

Once we get in, I tell the kids to sit at the table and the adults to stand around it.

Brad takes the cake out and puts it in front of the kids.

"Now don't open it yet!" I say right as Brad puts it down.

I get my camera ready and the say, "okay. You can open it now."

Ari and Luke open it and there is a quick moment of silence where everyone is reading the cake before everyone's face lights up.

"Your having another baby mom?!" Luke asks so excitedly.

"Yes I am and that is my due date." I say and smile.

"What that say mommy?" Bri asks and we all laugh.

"Mommy is going to have another baby." Ari explains to Bri. "You are going to be a big sister like me!" Ari says.

I can tell that Ari is actually really excited this time.

"Yay! Baby!" Bri yells. It's so cute that she's this excited.

"Are you going to be a good big sister and help mommy when the baby comes?" I ask Bri.

"Yes!" She says cutely.

"Is it boy?" She asks.

"We don't know yet baby." Brad says.

"Wait. Is this for real?" Luke asks kinda doubting what we are telling him.

"Yes Luke. This is for real." I smile.

"That's awesome!" He says.

I love how much he loves his siblings.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say, I'm so happy for you guys!" Jane says walking over to us with her arms wide open.

It turns into a big group hug with the whole family and it makes me really happy.

I feel tears already forming in my eyes. I try to hold them back but they spill out when everyone lets go.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My dad asks.

"It's just that I love all of you so much and I love how supportive you guys are! You guys make this whole baby process a lot more easier on me. Thank you so much for that! I love you guys!" I cry.

"You're welcome! And we love you too!" Ari smiles.

Even with 3 three kids already and 1 on the way, I know we are going to be great parents especially with the support of all this family.

FamilynessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora