Sleepless Night

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"Good night" I whisper as I put the book down that I was reading Bri and shut the lights out.

I close the door quietly, then walk to Brad and I's room.

"Wow, your already done putting Lewis to sleep?" I ask in amazement. "He never wants to sleep anymore!"

"I was surprised too! We were out all day though so he didn't take a nap. That's probably why." He says as he gets into bed.

I change then go to the bathroom to take off my makeup and wash my face. Then finally sit down for the first time today on the bed. And grab the remote to the tv.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask as I turn on the tv.

"Grey's Anatomy." He replies quickly. I smile at his choice, then turn it on.

We watch a couple episodes until Brad gets tired.

"What time is it?" Brad asks as he yawns.

"Um 10:00 I should probably tell the kids to go to bed." I get up out of the bed and walk out the door and to the first room, which is Luke's.

"Hey" I knock on the door.

"Yes?" He asks through the door.

I open it then walk over to where he is sitting, playing a video game. "Time to go to bed!" I announce and kiss his forehead. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight!" He smiles as he turns off his game.

I close the door then walk to Ari's room. "Ari. It's time to good to bed, okay?" I say through the door.

"Okay. Goodnight." She says keeping the door shut.

As I walk away, her light goes off and the hall goes quite.

I walk into Brad and I's bedroom, and get under the covers of our bed.

"You work tomorrow right?" Brad asks.

"I have a photo shoot for Vogue." I say simply.

"Jen that's a big deal! Why are you acting like it's nothing?" He asks.

"I've done photo shoots for them before so it's not a big deal anymore." I laugh at his excitement.

"Well get some sleep! You don't want to be tired for tomorrow." He says.

"Okay mom." I laugh as I turn off my light next to me and close my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

I get woken up by loud cries coming from across the hall. I look over at Brad, waiting for him to get up since he was so concerned about my sleep, but instead he just stays there in a deep sleep.

I get up quickly and open the door to our bedroom, then to Lewis' room.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I pick him up and bounce him up and down.

I check his diaper, feed him, rock him, and nothing works.

I decided that the only other choice I have is to bring him to Brad. I walk in and shake him lightly. He groans in response as he wakes up.

"What's wrong?" He asks after noticing the anger in my eyes.

"Your son won't stop crying!" I complain.

He reaches for Lewis and rocks him in his arms. I notice that Lewis stops crying and starts smiling at Brad.

"What the hell!" I say as I put my head in my hands.

"How about you get some sleep. I'll put him to bed when he falls asleep." Brad smiles trying to clam me down.

I quickly take the help and lay down finally being able to get back to sleep.

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