Love and War

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Brad and I ended up staying 2 more days at the hospital after Lewis was born just to make sure that everything was okay. The kids came both days to see us but left every day before 5.

But whenever we were alone, Brad and I didn't really speak to each other, except me saying "your turn" when ever he needed a diaper change and him saying "your turn" when he was hungry.

On the last morning, the nurses came in to check up on the baby and I, just to make sure that we were ready to go home. We were both ready, so we started to get our things ready. Brad packed everything up and I changed into regular clothes.

We made it downstairs and pushed through the paparazzi, and quickly got in the car. The rest of the car ride was silent.

When we got home, Brad took the car seat in and I got out and unlocked the door.

When I opened it, all the kids came running over to us.

"Lewis!" Bri tries to make out as she runs over to the car seat and plays with his hair.

"Bri, honey, let him sleep okay." I say.

"Okay mommy." She says as she walks away and sits down to play with her toys.

"Thank you for watching them mom." Brad says.

"No problem!" Jane says and smiles. "I love them so much, but I have to get home to your dad." Jane says to Brad.

"Okay bye mom." Brad says and hugs her after he puts Lewis down.

"Bye. And congratulations guys." She says as she opens the door and leaves.

Brad then goes over to the couch and lays down instead of helping me take Lewis out or bring the bags upstairs.

"Brad can you help me please." I say obviously annoyed.

The kids all look up from what they are doing at the kitchen table and look at us.

"I'm busy watching tv. How about you call Jason and he can help you. I mean he is obviously the father since he was there for the birth." He says.

"Brad, I'm not trying to argue about this with you. I just had your baby so I would like some help." I say.

"You just had Jason's baby." He says trying to correct me.

"Just because he was in the delivery room with me when I had Lewis, does not mean that it's his baby. Did I have sex with Jason to get pregnant? No, I had sex with you!" I raise my voice.

"Why the hell did you even call him to bring you to the hospital? You could have called your dad or your mom or my parents. But instead you called Jason!" Brad yells as he gets up off the couch.

"I don't know, I trust Jason and he is a close family friend, so I thought that it would be okay!" I yell back.

Then Lewis starts to cry. At this point, I'm trying so hard to get Lewis out of his car seat. But the car seat is on the floor and I can't pick it up because it's too heavy. I also can't really bend down or anything with out my body aching. But I finally get him out by squatting, which still hurt, but I was not letting Brad get him before me.

"I just don't understand why you thought that that was okay!" Brad yells.

"Well I don't understand why you thought not helping me with Lewis was okay!" I yell.

Lewis starts to scream louder and the kids start to walk upstairs.

"I changed his diaper, and carried him around." He says defensively.

"Wow, good job!" I say sarcastically.

"I got up with him every hour of the night to feed him, and change him. You didn't wake up at all! I went through the birth so the least you could do was wake up with him!" I yell.

"You had a C section! You didn't do anything as far as birth!" He yells back at me.

"Oh so because I had a C section, means I didn't do anything as far as birth? No, it doesn't! I still had to carry him for 9 fucking months, I had to go through all the morning sickness and contractions! So once you carry a 9 pound baby in your uterus for 9 months, and go through labor, then you can say that I didn't do anything." I say.

"Lewis was 8 pounds." He says trying to be a smart ass.

"That's not the fucking point Brad!"

"Then what is Jen?" He asks.

"Oh my god! You never listen to anything!" I say.

"The point is, that you need to help me with Lewis and you start acting like his dad! You keep dodging responsibilities because Jason came into the delivery room with me because you weren't there!" I yell.

"Oh so now it's my fault that I wasn't there? You were the one who was like 'go film before the baby is born. You will be back for his due date. I would rather have you here after the birth.'" He says.

"I never said it was your fault! We have the same job and I know that you can't always be there for important things because of it. I understand that babies do not wait for anyone! But no where in this fight did I say that you not being there was your fault. But you not acting like a dad is your fault!"

"You were the one that called Jason to do a part that a dad was supposed to do." Brad yells.

"Well he acted more like a dad then you!" I say.

"How about you just marry him then! And he can help you raise Lewis."

I can't stand his ignorance right now. And to make it worse, Lewis is screaming bloody murder. So I decide to go upstairs to the nursery.

"Fuck you Brad!" I yell as I slam the door to the nursery.

Once I get in, I sit with him on the rocking chair and calm him down. He settles down at first but then starts to cry again. I look at the time realizing that he is probably starving.

I move him and position him to feed him, and soon enough, he is asleep.

I put him on the changing table and grab him a new onesie. I change him and then carry him over to his crib.

As I put him down, he adjusts like he is about to wake up, but doesn't. I look at his tiny body compared to the huge crib and I watch his cute little face as he sleeps.

I get scared when I feel someone touch my back. I turn around quickly only to be kissed by Brad.

"What the hell?!" I whisper yell.

"I want to say that I'm sorry. I understand that Lewis is mine and that I need to start acting like a dad. I was wrong to not help and act like an ass to you." He whispers.

"And I'm sorry for calling Jason. I just didn't know that you would be so mad about it." I whisper.

"I just don't want him to take you and Lewis away from me." He says protectively and glances over at Lewis.

"Brad don't worry. He could never take me and Lewis away from you." I say hug him.

"Good." He whispers and smiles.

"And thank you for apologizing, but you owe me big time." I whisper.

"Okay." He smirks and kisses me.

"No! We can't do that! I was thinking more like you watch him
for the rest of the day while I sleep." I smirk.

"Okay, anything to make up for how much of an ass I was." He whispers.

"Thank you, asshole." I whisper and walk out, closing the nursery door, and smirking to myself.

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