Girls day

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"Are you gonna be a good girl for mommy today?" Brad asks Bri as he hands her over to me.

"Yeah!" She exclaims excitedly "I good." She hugs Brad quickly before reaching out for my arms.

"Have fun, babe." He kisses me "Don't forget about me."

"I'll try." I laugh as I walk out to the car where Jane, and an already annoyed Ari are waiting for me.

"She's coming with?" Ari shrugs looking at Bri "She won't even walk. This is unfair."

Jane turns around towards her "Why wouldn't she? We used to bring you with all the time. You'd try to run all over." She looks over at me somewhat worried about what problems might occur today as I start to drive away.

"Mom, can I get this?" Ari holds up a shirt, but as I go to answer her, Bri interrupts me "Mommy!!" She pulls on my shirt. I turn towards her to see what she wants, and Ari gets mad.

"Well I guess we all know who's more important." She throws the shirt down and walks to the other side of the store looking at other stuff.

"Arianna!" I sigh as she just keeps walking. Jane walks up beside me taking Bri out of the cart "I'll watch her, you go see what's wrong." I thank her, and walk over to where Ari was a minute ago.

When I get there, she starts walking farther away, grabbing everything in sight. I try to catch up with her, and finally get to block her from moving forward while the wall blocks her from the other side.

"What the hell is your problem today?" I ask ask Jane walks up behind us.

"You are!" She yells, not caring that we're in public "We can't ever go out and actually have fun anymore because you're too much of a whore to keep your legs shut! We always have to have her with now!" She points to Bri

"Arianna!" Jane snaps jumping in before I can say anything "She's your mother, don't talk to her like that!"

"No," Ari laughs angerly "Bri is the product of her being too drunk one night to know what she was doing! Her and dad don't even care about us anymore because Bri is their little princess."

"You know that isn't true." I stand in front of her trying to control my anger "You know damn well that accidents happen! It could have happened to anyone. None of that gives you the right to treat your father, sister and I like crap!"

"Well maybe if you were smart and didn't try to ruin our lives I wouldn't treat you like that!" She starts walking past us "I don't want to be around any of you anymore. You all just hate me anyway!"

"Yeah, Ari, that's what it is." I walk behind her "We hate you so much that we take you for things like this letting you get what you want, and we take you to travel all over. We obviously only do those things because we hate you. Go leave us, but have fun trying to get home!" She flicks me off as she walks away, and I turn around to go back to Jane and Bri, who is upset about all the yelling.

"Momma?" She says through tears as I take her from Jane.

"It's okay, baby." I kiss her forehead and look up at Jane "Sorry."

"No," She walks over and hugs me "She needs to learn not to treat you guys like that. Things happen, and obviously she wasn't planned, but I know you two don't deserve what she makes you go through."

"Thanks, she's worth all of it anyway." I smile at Bri, who as stopped crying "I guess I should go make sure she's okay."

Jane stops me "No, I will. Stay here and buy yourself something nice. You deserve it." She walks out of the store to follow Ari, and I decide to take her advice and look around for me.

"Should mommy get this?" I ask Bri as I hold up a dress "Do you like it?"

"Yes I do." She replies trying her best to get the words out correctly.

I put it in the cart behind her, and pick out some shoes and accessories, then start to look around for Bri.

"That!" She points out the dress she wants. It has her favorite TV characters on it, and is adorable.

"Okay, what else do you want?"

"Um," She thinks "Toy!" I laugh and walk up to the front of the store where the toys are, letting Bri walk beside me so she can pick out what she wants.

Jane's POV
"Arianna" I ask as I walk up behind her. She doesn't answer me.

"Arianna Elizabeth Pitt!" She finally turns around, and I get her to go over where we can sit so we can talk.

"Are you here to tell me how ungrateful I am too?" She asks bluntly "Because if you are I don't wanna hear it."

"Look, your parents might not always yell at you for talking like this, but I'm not going to take your crap!" I look in her eyes "Obviously there's something wrong, but I am not going to let you talk to anyone like that."

"You're not my mother," She snaps, showing me a side of her I've never seen before "You can't tell me what I can and cannot do!"

"Do you think I don't know that? I don't care if I am not your mother! What I care about is you not being a little bitch towards your mother who doesn't deserve it!"

"You don't have to do this, Jane." Jen walks up behind me surprising me "Let's just go home. Brad and I will deal with it later."

Jen's POV
I just pulled back up to our house, and Ari ran right up to her room slamming every door on her way. Brad looks at me, and I just nod for him to follow me upstairs. I give him a quick run through on the way up, and he is pissed.

"If you EVER talk to your grandmother like that again I promise you will never be able to talk again!" I storm into Ari's room "I'm really sick of all your shit."

"Your mother is right." Brad follows me shutting the door "You've been nothing but disrespectful and rude towards almost everyone recently, and we aren't going to let it continue."

"What do you know?" She asks Brad smartly "You're just the guy who had sex with her because she was drunk, and created the problem of this family. We were fine before this happened! Now all you care about is your princess and how freaking perfect she is!"

"You don't understand anything, do you?" He gets closer to her, scaring her "I never want to hear you say anything like that about your sister again! She is a baby! She needs the support from us so that she can grow up to be a good person, and hopefully not like who you are right now! You know why she's so special to us? BECAUSE SHE ISN'T ACTING LIKE A SPOILED BITCH!"

The last part gets Ari, and she finally backs away, sitting on her bed, upset.

"She looks up to you, Ari." I add, trying to make things better "You're her big sister, her role model, and you sure as hell don't want her to end up acting like you are now. We love you, and this is why we yell, and try to correct you, but someday you're going to get yourself in a lot of trouble if you don't stop yourself now."


"I love you guys, too."

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