Supporting their brother

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"Go, Luke!!!" Bri screams jumping around in Brad's lap. We're at Luke's soccer practice, and she's decided to cheer him on, while Ari tans by the lake with some of her friends.

"Look, princess!" Brad points out the small, pink soccer ball that we brought with to keep her entertained "You wanna play with it?"

"Yeah!" Her eyes light up, and she grabs each of our hands as she runs up towards it. We laugh as she runs into it and falls, but she gets right back up.

"Can you kick it over here?" I bend down closer to her level, and waif for her. She lightly kicks it, then runs up to it doing the same over again.

Brad kicks it back to her, and she runs after it trying to stop it from rolling "Got it!" She yells as she picks it up walking towards us.

"Baby you aren't supposed to carry it." I laugh as I get her to put it back on the ground "You need to kick it."

"Okay," She tries to kick it harder this time, but falls backwards right onto her butt as she's doing it. Brad and I laugh at her, but she starts to cry, so he goes over and picks her up.

"You're fine, honey." He brushes the dirt off of her as he tries to get her to stop crying. I offer her a piece of candy, and right away she's magically fine again.

She jumps out of Brad's arms, and runs right over to me, taking the ball out of my arms and running away with it. Brad takes lots of pictures of her as she rolls around on the grass with it. She then decides that she's going to throw it around and starts "throwing" it towards Brad and I.

"Mommy!" She yells just as its about to hit me. Luckily I look fast, and avoid being hit. I catch it and walk over to her "Let's go throw it at Ari. We can surprise her!" This excites her, and she runs over to where Ari is tanning "quietly" and throws it at her legs while Brad records it.

"What the h?" Ari stops as she sees me and Bri standing next to her laughing.

"Did you do this?" She asks as she picks up Bri. Bri shakes her head yes as she continues to laugh at the situation. They lay down next to each other talking about random things that Bri brings up, leaving Brad and I to go back to watching Luke.

We sit on our blanket watching as Luke dribbles the ball down the field and into the goal for practice shots followed by the rest of his team mates. They switch to a different game where they have to try to kick each other's balls out of the circle in the middle of the field, and Luke's friend ends up winning that game.

Ari walks over a few minutes later with Bri in her hands and they sit down next to us. Soon after, the other team arrives, along with our parents to watch, and the game starts. Luke scores the first goal causing Bri to go crazy jumping up and down cheering for him. The rest of us sit back clapping like normal people.

The game starts to get closer towards the middle with the score tied, so the girls move up closer to help cheer Luke's team on. Brad and I sit back with our parents watching them, happy with how well they're getting along for once. Every time Luke's team does something good, the girls clap and cheer for them, and when they win Bri runs right up to Luke jumping into his arms.

"Good job, buddy!" I congratulate him once he walks over to us. He asks to go with the rest of the team for ice cream, so of course we let him, and go to the same place so we can all get some.

"Bri, do you want chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?" I ask as I hold her up to the counter. She thinks about it for a little, then answers me "Cowat."

I wait for them to hand me the cone, then I give it to her with a napkin to hopefully keep it off of her. My plan works for keeping it off of her, but I can feel the ice cream dripping down my shirt minutes after I gave her the cone, before I even got to eat mine.

"I done!" She exclaims handing the cone to Brad, who is laughing at the situation. He takes it from her and eats the rest of it with his.

"Mom, I think she's sick." Ari points out that Bri doesn't look too good. Brad quickly picks her up, and runs up to the bathroom with her, where she apparently vomits all over the place.

"Next time we should leave her with Grandma and Grandpa." Luke suggests, clearly embarrassed because of his whole team being right there. Ari nods in agreement with him and I sit there laughing as I try to clean the ice cream off of my shirt.

"You know, both of you have done this to us too." I laugh as they look over at me mortified.

Luke decides when we're ready to leave that he wants to stay with his friends, so we take the girls home and put Bri in bed for the night.

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