Sleepover Gone Wrong pt. 2

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(Jens POV)

"Doctor, come quick!" Brad shouts as he finds Luke's doctor.

They both quickly run in and the doctor rearranges some things and Lucas' breathing goes back to normal.

"He just had another reaction, it's common for that to happen." The doctor informs us.

"So, he's okay?" I ask.

"He's just fine." The doctor smiles and does some tests on him making sure everything's normal and then exits the room.

Lucas stays still while he sleeps off what just happened, and looking at him like this breaks my heart.

A few tears escape from my eyes and Brad puts his arm around my shoulders.

"It'll be okay, Jen."

"It's just so heartbreaking to see him like this when I know I can't do anything to help him." I wipe away my tears. "I'm gonna go see the girls." Brad nods and I leave.

I walk out to the waiting room and see Ari playing with Bri. Ari spots me and immediately runs over to me with Bri.

"Is he okay? What's happening?" She asks, she looks really worried.

"He's fine, he's had a second reaction but he's recovered and is okay." I smile, reassuring her.

She sighs in relief. "I thought something bad was going to happen." A tear falls from her eye.

"Honey, don't cry." I say and pull her into a hug. I take Sabrina from her and we go into Lucas' room.

Brad looks at Ari when we walk in and motions for her to sit with him. She walks over to where he's sitting and he pulls her onto his lap.

"Hey, Lucas. How are you feeling?" She asks him.

"I've been better." He replies and Ari just nods.

Bri practically jumps out of my lap at the sight of her big brother. She extends her arms as far as they can go towards him, and mumbles something.

"Do you want to see your brother?" I ask her and place her onto Lucas' bed. She crawls over him and lays right beside him.

There's a knock at the door and William and Jane walk in.

"Hi." Jane smiles, sympathetically.

"Hey, grandma!" Lucas says.

"How are you feeling buddy?" William asks.

"I'm okay now, I'm tired though."

"If you want to sleep, you can." Brad tells him. Lucas nods his head and closes his eyes.

"And how are you guys?" Jane asks.

"We're all okay, just a bit of a shock." I say.

"Of course. Would you like anything to eat or drink?" She asks us.

"No, no. I'm fine thanks." I smile.

"Ari?" William looks over to her and she looks up.

"Would you like something to drink?" Ari nods and follows William outside.

"Is she okay?" Jane asks Brad.

"Yeah, she was just a bit scared, that's all." Brad stands up and wraps his arm around my waist. "We all were."

Jane looks around the room on the verge of tears. She loves all of her grandchildren more than anything, and this is hard on her. Brad sees this and pulls her over into a group hug between the three of us.

"He's gonna be okay, kids bounce back from these things all the time." We separate and Brad gives Bri to Jane so she can have some reassurance.

William and Ari come back in with drinks.

"Ari, are you okay now?" Brad asks her. She nods. "Come here, princess." He pulls her into our hug and Brad and I hug her tightly.

A few hours later, Lucas wakes up. It's only me and Brad as Ari and Bri went with Brads parents. It was too hard emotionally for Ari to stay.

"Hey, buddy. You feeling better?" I ask him, sitting beside him.

"Yeah, I want to go home." He groggily replies.

"I know you do but you have to stay here so you can get better so that you can come home soon." Brad says. Lucas nods his head slightly.

"We love you, buddy." I say.

"I love you guys too." He smiles.

"Just don't scare us like this again." I joke trying to lighten up the mood "We were really worried about you."

"Don't worry, I won't be eating crab anytime soon."

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